Did Ant & Jim talk about anything of interest on TACS today?

6  2015-03-27 by EskimoEscrow



I miss patrice more than I miss my dead grandparents

Ant & Jim did joke about how corny the "shots fired" line is. I agree with them.

Not really. Toward the end they talked about it a little bit, but Von was there and she kept bringing it all back to the Burr situation. Basically they decided that everyone needed to have more communication.

Jim and Ant had a couple of one liners and references to how terrible the new show is, but Ant also did some backtracking. Said everyone took things out of context and ignored the part of Opie (or Jimmy) taking a stand when the firing went down. It was fine, basically a Patrice appreciation show.

Do they ever? No.

I don't know if they started today, though.

Von was more interesting than jimmy honestly, she's a good egg.

ya ever since Jim lost weight and his tits I have been less interested in him.

When has anything good come out after ant?

ya ever since Jim lost weight and his tits I have been less interested in him.