Why is Ant's face a mangled mess?

0  2015-03-26 by [deleted]



it's from eating your mom's box.

Bet you'll be invited over in no time!

You're white knighting a grown man in his 50s, you stupid cunt.

Hey buddy, I too suffer from the same condition caused by that whores putrid vagina. The woman is a menace.

in that case xoxo

CQ explained it was from back-alley knife fights during his formative years in old Tunis.

Thereafter becoming a corsican pimp.

Why can I smell your moms box from here?


Down voted because you are a Benjamin72 like cunt.

Why not talk shit about Ant in his own shows sub instead of clambering for attention in this one?

Ant doesnt even visit that sub, plus Anthony is obsessed with OandJ, its pretty sad listening to his recent shows where he's clearly shitfaced taking half-assed jabs at Opie.

Thanks for keepin it real brah