I hate Opie and am a fan of Ant but some fans are delusional on a few things

21  2015-03-26 by Lilcumia

SXM are not going to cancel Opie no matter how bad the show is. Its more safe and that's what they want. Its mediocre and that thrives in the mainstream.

Ant again shot himself in the foot online. The DOD went outside his audience and would have helped him gain subscribers as it was Ant at his best. He himself said he didn't want the audio pulled so why say anything. To call SXM hypocrites? They could say he was fired for his tweets alone and are fine with the audio. Even if they were exposed so what? How does that help Ant. This pretty much closes the chance of a return also and now his marketing relies on going on other peoples podcasts and a free hour a week on youtube.

Good luck with the show Ant but for the love of god STAY OFF TWITTER.

I will say ONJ were cunts for not plugging his show more but their choice to make.


I think it's delusional to think they were ever getting back together but that's just me.

I didn't expect them to get together, I expected them to leave together.

Hold on now, they might do some radio together again someday, who knows?

*this was meant to be read in Opie voice

I will say this, we are a bunch of goddamn vultures.

Picking at the rotten carcass of two old rats and a worm. Not exactly a feast.



Someone should make a video where people on this subreddit turn into a cartoon vulture and start tearing at some meat.... That's a video that could go viral...

That's a terrible idea, Opie.

Social Media is the worst thing that ever happened to the Opie and Anthony show.

I just want to know what they were thinking when they made Twitter accounts. Anthony in particular. He was long noted for saying inflammatory things about politics, religion and race and they always spoke how just one misstep on Twitter could torpedo your career.

Anthony's brilliant actions in this include... 1. Making a Twitter account 2. Not doing something to make it private or invite only. 3. Getting hundreds of thousands of potential snitches as followers on that account 4. Sending over 20,000 tweets. 20,000 5 Getting drunk and spouting off on Twitter about a Black woman at 4 in the morning.

They're both narcissists. Twitter is perfect to feed that need. I'm just amazed that none of them had the common sense to stop using it after they saw the potential consequences that could come from it.

The Apology Clock bit was ran into the dirt for 3 months and every story was basically complaining about somebody who got in trouble over something they said on the internet. Lets send a couple thousand more tweets apiece.

As Ant says, "Holy Fuckaroni."

Yeah...that is unfortunate. Ant is too honest and trusting for his own good. To his detriment. That's a sad state of affairs.

Social media is the worst thing that ever happened to any entertainer with an opinion that isn't in lockstep with the 'mainstream' or whatever those that judge are called these days.

Yeah, I couldn't give a fuck about the "man on the street" opinion. I didn't turn on the news to listen to some uninformed jackoff commoner.

now it's even affecting college athletes.

Yeah but the jocktoberings were hilarious

It's not really promotion if there is no mention of the anthony cumia show during replays.

I'd say being hilarious is the best promotion. All it takes is a google search. And yeah apposed to no voice its definitely promotion. Not even for TACS just for Anthony Cumia.

It is promoting the O&A brand not Anthony Cumia.

This is the first normal post on this sub in at least the last year.

Every entity has delusional fans. It's nothing special.

why dont you come back here and shut your cake horn. (combo)

Not only will they not get cancelled, their contract will get renewed for another 2 years after this one expires. The people that run sirius are retarded.

What promotion was he really getting? Tell me who listened to the O&A podcast that didn't already know about Anthony and his show. And the same for DoD, except possibly the six or seven people who are new fans of O&J, who are probably morons and wouldn't like Anthony anyway.

I disagree completely.

Scroll through this sub - people frequently say they found O&A by watching YT videos of Patrice, CK, Dice, etc. No one says they found O&A through podcasts.

No one is listening to OpieRadio and saying, "I need to subscribe to TACS." This is because TACS is never mentioned.

The only person who benefitted from Anthony's clips being on SXM was Opie. He was hoping it would retain old listeners who clearly hate his new show.

On a closing note, SXM is hypocritical. Anthony was fired because the company didn't agree with his views and actions. But, they'll still use his material to get/retain subscribers?

Anthony was fired for the violent tone of his tweets. It was the tweets that got him canned not views.

You can't say no one is listening to Ant be funny on the podcast and want to source more of him. My point was it doesn't help Ant being removed from the station completely.

Say you were a new listener today and listened to OpieRadio. How the fuck would you know about Anthony. You hear the podcast, DoD and then become a fan.

Say you were a new listener today and listened to OpieRadio. How the fuck would you know about Anthony.


If Anthony were properly represented on the podcast, then you are 100% correct.

The fact is, listeners can hear Anthony's voice - but not have any info on where they can currently hear him.

The podcast falls under OpieRadio, has OpieRadio pad-data, and is broken up with commercials for O&J.

The DOD was merely a vehicle for Opie to keep old listeners on his channel - not a way of keeping the door open for Anthony.

I would surmise they fired Ant because they absolutely panicked. They didn't give a rats ass or even warned Ant about what he said on or off air before this happened. Unfortunately, Adrian Chen was bored and felt like starting shit. He put SIRIUS on the spot, and because our society is a bunch of snitch ass, whiny, phony cunts Sirius made a knee jerk decision. Which, I will bet money, could have been rethought if Opie would have pushed it. Too bad he didn't.

Aleksander Chan

Yeah whatever that insipid cunts name is. I wish he'd eat a bullet

wtf? if opie plugged ants show for the entire show everyday ant's audience would stay the same, come back to earth man, you guys are insane.

both shows are dead....leave it alone

Correct sir.

Ant has a white Knight downvote brigade here that makes Jeff Scott look like Jimmy Carter. Go ahead, say one bad thing about him or even crack a joke.


testing 1 2

Ant get's doublstuffed nightly by Mandingo and Lexington Steel.

While Keith The Cuck jerks off in a corner.

Ant called the company out, Opie over reacted and pulled the DODshow...do you pay attention? You really think DOD was great advertising? Only people who already know O&A and listen to the channel even know about it.

Also youtube is viewed by billions, SXM at most, if every radio was on, 35 million

Ant is a radio host. This is on radio.

I think it's delusional to consider O&J "Mediocre"

Promotion for who? Thinking theres new listeners is more delusional than anything

For all the people complaining about them being on social media, what are you saying? You want to live in a society where everyone is too scared to give an honest opinion?

I'm assuming the reason you liked O&A is because they could talk honestly. Do you want that to go away, and be left with all the other safe shows? Might as well watch The View.

Twitter is the antipathy of healthy debate.

Express an opinion, but keep it off twitter.

It's like the shower scene in Porky's. It's all fun and games sticking your dick through a hole in the girl's shower room until some matron sees it.

Twitter is full of these matrons. Find another glory hole

You're proving my point, you're saying people should be scared to give honest opinions on twitter because someone will try to get them fired. So where are you supposed to give these opinions, on a TV show where nobody will ever try to get you fired?

If people aren't able to give their opinion online then they definitely won't be able to give it in the mainstream media.

Well yes, I am somewhat, but my point is that it's not about being scared, rather being a little more intelligent and realising it doesn't matter what Twitter thinks.

If you go to Hyde Park Corner and speak, you will end up in stupid conversations no matter what you say. Choosing to avoid that doesn't mean you're scarred of giving an honest opinion does it?

Twitter opens you up to these people. You argue that this should be challenged, I agree on principle, but I question if it might not fizzle out without fuel to fire it.


I agree and disagree. Ant does continue to shoot himself in the foot. I appreciate the honesty, and its good to hear honesty from somewhere...but he isn't getting paid for the material any way, so at best it may help old fans remember and possibly subscribe so at least thats a plus. Fans of the current O&J show, or new fans of O&J (if they exist) would not be interested in Ant's show.

It is promoting the O&A brand not Anthony Cumia.

Twitter is the antipathy of healthy debate.

Express an opinion, but keep it off twitter.

It's like the shower scene in Porky's. It's all fun and games sticking your dick through a hole in the girl's shower room until some matron sees it.

Twitter is full of these matrons. Find another glory hole

Ant is a radio host. This is on radio.