Chippah blows open the 13_Euclid Quannspiracy

33  2015-03-26 by Jimandthem


We're getting coded messages through Chip now. This thing has gone full retard.

Ha ha, I laughed. Then I got a bit sad.

Jimmy comes here to laugh at opie.

What a fucking sideshow this has become.

Haha, Jimmy rules

Just when I'm on the very precipice of disliking him even slightly, he pulls me back in

I don't get it

I'm not as up to date as most people here but I think he is saying that he is skeptical about going to TACS because of the recent drama between Ant and OPe.

I could be 100% wrong tho.


That's correct, but it's completely sarcastic. He's definitely going to be on the show, this is just a joke about the expectation he'd cancel based on some lame excuse.


2015-03-26 03:32 UTC

I hear traffic is supposed to be really bad tomorrow, so I'll probably just stay in the city.

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A jab at Opie?

"The traffic is supposed to be bad." Better leave early, Jimmy.

He's not gonna be on TACS tomorrow...

I know I'm an idiot, but does Jim run that Twitter account?

Yep and yes.

Jinx. You owe me a coke you fuckin dicklicker

U stole my line fawkin cawksuKka!

I know

The fact that it has 40k followers including Ant and Colin it would be safe to assume it's really yimmy.


This is getting pretty good. I hope someone pushes the red button soon and the gloves come off.

This guy's cool

That's so funny that Jimmy comes to this site.

Well this brings a whole new angle to the HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON thing.

False flag operation.

The fawking Pechian briefs starring a whore named Roberts

wait did they talk about the 13 euclid thing on O&J today? or at all? I havn't listened in a few days, switched over to Ron and Fez and Anthony

Jimmy reads this nonsense apparently.

Don't encourage us, Jim.


2015-03-26 03:25:32 UTC

Tsss what the fukk wood anyone need 13 eucalids for Fukkin 12 is good enough. if you believe that fake, yore even dummer then me #Chippah

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Been in Texas all week and missed the whole 13_eucalid thing, can someone give me the cliff notes?

it's from like 3 months ago. they don't have Internet in Texas? what useless information



he's got a point, not a good one but a point nonetheless


Jimmy is still forced to walk on Greggshells.

"The traffic is supposed to be bad." Better leave early, Jimmy.

A jab at Opie?