I'm not sure of the whole story but did Anthony talk himself out of free promotion and the deletion of his legacy on the radio?

0  2015-03-26 by Lilcumia

Sirius playing his old clips was a good thing,no? Sure it helped them but more so Anthony. His voice was getting out to non subscribers and it was his best stuff. Now its only us that listen.


Bill Cosby is enjoying all his free promotion at the moment too.

I believe the point that Ant made is a pretty good one. He wants exclusivity to his voice. If people want to hear Ant be funny or talk about news or rant about the blacks he wants them to subscribe to his current show. He doesn't want people to tune into SiriusXM to hear his material. He wants people to miss hearing him so they end up having to subscribe if they want to.

His legacy is uploaded in its entirety to the internet already. Having a backstabbing business partner profit off of your greatness without so much as 1 token TACS plug and a phoner in nearly a year is not a legacy.

Being associated with Opie crashing and burning tarnishes his legacy anyhow. I'd want a good deal of money or my shit off his channel ASAP if I were ant.

Anthony claims he is going to sue Sirius for wrongful termination but wants himself taken off the Sirius. Would him being on Sirius airwaves only help him win?

That's a pretty good point right there.


He didn't say "going to," he said it is in litigation. Sirius already played him on their airwaves after the firing, so whether they continue to do so or not at this point is moot.

That's a bit of a stretch. It's unlikely someone would hear Anthony on SXM and subscribe to TACS. This is because TACS isn't advertised or promoted on SXM or OpieRadio.

As far as legacy goes, Anthony has 20 years of radio out in the ether. He did protect himself from being taken advantage of - SXM using his clips was a bit hypocritical.

You don't think it would pique the interest of new O&J listeners, especially considering how funny Ant is? If nothing else, it's a scandal that creates interest. And if you're already in with O&J, I don't think it's a stretch at all to think said new listener might want to dig deeper.

Perhaps. But they rarely promote TACS.