Anthony's Tweeting... this could get interesting

5  2015-03-26 by EskimoEscrow


I know this place will always lean torwads the side of Anthony and I understand many of the reasons. I enjoy both and I don't give a toot. But if you step back they are both behaving like teenage girls about the whole thing.

Yeah but well-adjusted men aren't funny. Anthony's hilarious (and loves booze and cards and video games and suicide-watch girls, and he even kinda likes us) because he's all childhood tears and bed-piss inside.

But Opie...


This is it, his great suck secret, the one we never guess. "He's retarded!" Apparently. "Autistic!" Sort of. But off air, on the career-politics level, he somehow totally has his shit together. He's bad at the part of his job we have to listen to, but that part doesn't matter—except to us, and we don't matter. His comedy lobe only sparks once a year, but his corporate-lizard brain is lit.

His Facebook message that everyone's annoyed about today was premium agent/manager talk, bullshit for boss eyes. We don't have those.

We are really not his audience. Never have been. And we felt it, but we didn't know what it was.

/total consciousness

I can't imagine anyone really wants them back together. Ant was clearly the talent and it sucks that Jimmy got stuck with the saggy titted man child.

Jimmy didn't get stuck with anyone. Jimmy is responsible for Jimmy and his own shitty decisions. Gotta get that paycheck to finance his 2015 foot fetish.

I'd like Jimmy and Ant to work together without the comedy anchor.

But...but... they should "just man up and call each other" I thought. Because it would be so productive...


2015-03-25 22:57 UTC

RT @Rob138:you made a great point and I felt the same. Does this mean there's no hope of you guys continuing together?

-Not at all.

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What does that mean? Does it mean there's no hope or that it doesn't mean that at all?




2015-03-25 22:57 UTC

RT @Rob138:you made a great point and I felt the same. Does this mean there's no hope of you guys continuing together?

-Not at all.

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