Listen to this fucking idiot miss Patrice's point.

12  2015-03-25 by snoopkhat


None of you can in your wildest dreams fathom how deeply I want to shit into Opie's gaping throat until my anus meat prolapses out and finally suffocates that dumb fuck. He's just so god damn stupid

I've listened to this ep like twice, and the part that gets me is when Patrice gets annoyed with Opie's stupidity, and says "I'm trying to think of what I wish my super power was right now."

Ant cracks up at that, and Opie, being the hole that he is, says, "No, Patrice, stop it." I swore Jenny Hutt came into the studio for a second. That shit should've been isolated, and added to the "sound effects of a hole," folder.

Jesus Christ, he really thinks he's just a salt-of-the-earth type who never let fame change him.

You know what the worst part is? Listen to Black Philip, show 12, there's this model on who gets Dante furious and Patrice on the verge of breaking because she argues the point for ten minutes and then when she's proven wrong says "I agree with you" as patronisingly as possible.

It's exactly the same way Opie is talking to Patrice when he says "I understand your basic point", like he gets it but disagrees because he's got a more brilliant perspective on things. He dares to say to fucking Patrice that he "can't get chicks who aren't shallow gold-diggers". Fucking Opie "washed up millionaire cuck" Hughes really thinks he's got a 24 carat gold personality and women are helpless in the face of his effortless charm.

He really is a bitch, he argues like a bitch, he consumes media like a bitch and he brings to radio what 99% of bitches bring to radio: Nothing. Bring in some more retarded callers Opie, shit, maybe they'll pull you out of the hole you somehow don't even realise you're digging. Prick.

I think that Oqie was jealous of seeing Ant and Patrice have great back and forth debates and conversations all the time and just wanted to have one with Patrice in a "im a smart guy who can debate" kind of way.

Unfortunately for Oqie he has no strong opinions on anything so his arguments are always shallow and makes him look like a tool when he tries to defend them.

  • P: Do you understand my point?
  • G: I was poor
  • P: But you get the concept, right?
  • G: I WAS POOR!
  • P: ...

what a fucking child. The poor bastard is definitely on the autism spectrum.

He HAS to know how stupid he is.

Or he really is retarded.

I really don't think he knows. Stupid people ALWAYS think they're somewhere around the average. And because he made it in radio and is a narcissist shithead, he probably thinks he's slightly above average.


he didnt need nice things to get girls, he couldve been a model, for real.

There's SO many things that you can pull that just make him look like a fucking idiot.

Gregg "Everyman" Hughes: Doesn't need money, is a regular guy and understands the plight of the Negro and Working-man alike.

More of that fake edgy burp guy to interrupt Ants counterpoint on Opies stupidity.

Oh boy ... Greg is so defensive cause he got his girl when he was rich and psuedo-famous and is insecure about the concept his girl is with him cause of the show. I usually don't get into the Opie's girl bashing that goes on in this board but this is clearly a fear in Opie that he married a fan.

Dude! I just listened to this episode and was going to post it too. It's so enraging, he has no idea what's going on but pretends he does and just keeps mentioning the Black Philip show so he doesn't get smashed.

Ugh. A few days after this Danny was in after drinking all night during karaoke and Greggshells is having a mental breakdown because if it. Just awful

He's a Funny MoFo

I really don't think he knows. Stupid people ALWAYS think they're somewhere around the average. And because he made it in radio and is a narcissist shithead, he probably thinks he's slightly above average.