Starting to Feel Bad... Honest Question, is Opie Mildly Retarded?

25  2015-03-25 by The_POTUS

At this point, my only theory as to why the greatest radio show on Earth became absolutely embarrassing shit is this: Opie has to be mentally handicapped and possibly mildly retarded. Does anyone know if he's ever addressed this on the show?

1) His reading is barely at the 2nd grade level.

2) He behaves exactly like a child. A small-minded, selfish, spoiled child. When he catches himself or is called out on this, he claims it's some kind of "bit".

3) He is a pathological liar, and it's so obvious and cringe-worthy but other people have to go along with it to keep their jobs.

4) Opie fails to realize that Bobo literally gets invited to more parties than he does. Never asks himself why that is.

5) This idiot actually thought he was going to be more successful without Anthony Cumia. Now he's losing hundreds of listeners per day and lying about how great the show is doing.

6) He doesn't recognize the taste of Bam's sperm on his wife's mouth when he gets home every day.

7) Babbles something which gets an absolute zero and then ends every failed sentence with "so..." - This is a crutch that many people of low intelligence use, besides restating something that was just said to stall for time while their stupid brain tries to come up with a thought.

8) He's over 50 years old and still has mommy issues. Also, he thinks people don't notice he's wearing a wig.

9) Insists on keeping the studio temperature under 70 degrees so he has an excuse to wear thick clothes and cover up his tits (which formed due to lack of testosterone, common hormonal imbalance in brains suffering from retardation).

10) Let's keep the list going.


The Opster is definitely on the spectrum.


You missed a big one.

Just like Bobo, Lady Di, or any other tard who's been on the show, he never ever laughs at anything that's actually funny. He either says "very good" or "bravo" or plugs the comic's upcoming shows but he never genuinely laughs. Even when he does laugh, it's so completely forced.


I can't take it when the boys are watching a media clip and Quinn shoots a diamond bullet - Instead of laughter Opie goes: "AAAA COLIN QUINN IS GOING TO BE AT THE COMEDY CELLAR THIS WEEKEND Very good that's what we do for you Col!"

Really? Like you have ANY authority on what's funny when you have the wits of a rabbit carcass. This is Opie's method on justifying his ass being on that seat, comics come on to do the heavy lifting for him and he allows them to drop a plug for their own shows.

Really? Like you have ANY authority on what's funny when you have the wits of a rabbit carcass.

It's like doing a triple axle in ice skating and one of the judges holding up a scorecard is a one armed person with no legs.


Point docked for knowing what a triple axle in ice skating is.

Confirmed homosexual.

Hey, I may love huge, veiny cocks, but I damn sure don't know anything about figure skating.

Could you imagine if everybody "laughed" the way Opie did and just gave everybody sentences of compliments and "plugs."

"Ah Suzie, you're so smart, you made the Dean's list again, tell everybody where you'll be going to for graduate school."

"Vurry good, Pete, vurry good, you finished the house contract 2 days before it was due and under budget, too. Where's your next renovation gonna be takin' place?"

Boy oh boy, what a topsy-turvy world you just dreamed up!

I immediately regretted that as I typed it but I won't retract it.

Its a land of douchery as big as my imagination...

It would be literally the greatest thing if we could somehow convince the mainstream population that Opie, a mildly successful radio host, is part retard.

Opie, a mildly successful radio, is part retard.

I don't even want to make fun of your grammar, I just love the mental image here.



Just tell people the retarded character called Opie from Family Guy is based on the Opester. He's about 12,000 times more culturally relevant than Gregshells and their personalities are similar enough that it's instantly believable.


If anybody listened today, you know what I'm talking about. I turned it off shortly after that trainwreck, at the toenail fungus talk

Actually them making fun of Opie for trying to say "decomposition" was something I did not hate Opie for. It actually humanized him a bit and if he could actually have more moments where he puts away the Greggshells, he would be hated less.

I quite enjoyed them coaching him through it like a special ed kid, but it was a shining example of why he's a terrible radio host. And after a bit he was just milking it. Surprised he didn't fall into the "wha happenn?" crutch during it.

Then the article trolled him by having the word about 11 more times.

Well you have a point there. It crossed over from funny to douche when Opie started going "P-P-P-P-P" on purpose. Its like he can't just enjoy a moment he's being funny. He has to immediately counteract it by pushing it too hard.

"He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots, too. Lorraine, you ever have a kid who acts that way, I'll disown you."


I'm done with you Opie Apologists.

Also, he thinks people don't notice he's wearing a wig.

Do you think it is a wig or he also got carefully placed follicles as well and just won't admit it?

I once had a boss that went on vacation to have a facelift. We all knew it. When she came back, we all noticed the difference. She would never admit it, just said she had rested.

She was also a shitty boss and an asshole, just like Opie.

I don't think opie wears a wig at all. Do you even bald bro?

Have you seen the pictures of the top of his head? He doesn't look like Ron Howard, he looks like Clint. He'll be stone cold bald in his early 60s.

Yea i know he's balding bad. But he isn't wearing a wig. Nobody's has a wig that thin

I think Opie's stupidity went unnoticed for so long thanks to Bobo. Without him around to seem intelligent by comparison we all see sugartits for the tard he really is.

He's admitted or alluded to most of these foibles, but only during the good times, and usually only once (sans the Bam cum tasting).

Nope. I see Opie as just a "regular guy" who happens to be surrounded by very funny people on a comedy radio show, so his lack of humor stands out that bit more.

Yeah, most people aren't witty or interesting.

BUT, most people would have the awareness and humility to get the fuck out of the way of those who are.

the biggest problem is that he's uneducated and basically hasent gained any new knowledge since he was 11 years old. And then throw in his unjustified sense of authority because he has been doing this "since he was 18".

He thinks going to college and bumming your way to a B minus in an easy major is Certification of Smartness Until You're In The Coffin. He didn't do anything to mentally better himself in 30 years. He's ill read, poorly traveled, ignorant of fine cinema and quality television programs and unless it was a band's Top 40 hit he thinks it is a deep track. He has no interesting skills or hobbies acquired in a more than 30 year time span. He could be a solid musician or artist or fisherman or author or something like that by now. Instead, his talents are people-watching and bombing on a Youtube channel.




Na, it's mostly about environment and adaptability. I bet if we stuck average people in studio with Patrice , Anthony and others would after 100's or 1000's of hours would figure out the formulas and nuances to forming interesting thoughts and how to make some funny's.

But for some reason after 10's of thousands of hours the best Opie can do is say "broooberries" and then repeat the formula later with other words.

Youre really overestimating the average person


I think he's just a dumb narcissist with a shitty sense of humor and a really thin skin.

His interview skills are absolutely shit as well. I've never heard him interview anyone one on one before, can't imagine what that would be like. Ant, Jimmy, and whichever guest comedian always controlled the interview so well that he never had to do shit except plug the stuff for the person being interviewed.

He asked Danielle Harris "what her favorite swear word is". It made me feel like I needed to implode because of the douchiness

If he thought that "ME pretending I don't know how to pronounce the word decomposition and spending 5 minutes to say it properly" as a bit would make for good radio, he is a fucking idiot and a shitty broadcaster.

If he actually doesn't know how to pronounce that word, then yes, he has a mental disability.

For someone who likes to make fun of people on the spectrum he sure is on it

Normally, I would say no and that he's just plain dumb.

But, have you heard the recent live reads? He sounds like a younger version of Mumbles Menino.

The fact that it's his job to read and talk, and yet he still struggles to pronounce simple words, honestly does make me think he's mildly retarded.

well he's just turrbly burried in all the raqio work he has to (opie echo)

I think he's having a difficult time reading because he needs reading glasses but doesn't wear them because he doesn't want to look old or infirmed.

I'm positive he's high-functioning autistic. It's not that he isn't funny, he has no grasp of what funny actually is. It's a subtle, but important difference.


Opie maybe Keyser Soze. It would be wrong to underestimate barnacle Opie, he's made millions with nothing to offer, convinced Jim to stay, is replaying O&A shows to keep listeners and he's taking original content from people like Jim in hopes of going viral on youtube.

I just saw ol' JeffyScott has videos of stolen intellectual property in the 500k range, I'm sure he and Opie would get on well while fishing with a couple of road sodas.

At the start of this clip, he says "I suck at English, I always have...but I was a rockstar at Science and Math"


I can't take it when the boys are watching a media clip and Quinn shoots a diamond bullet - Instead of laughter Opie goes: "AAAA COLIN QUINN IS GOING TO BE AT THE COMEDY CELLAR THIS WEEKEND Very good that's what we do for you Col!"

Really? Like you have ANY authority on what's funny when you have the wits of a rabbit carcass. This is Opie's method on justifying his ass being on that seat, comics come on to do the heavy lifting for him and he allows them to drop a plug for their own shows.

Really? Like you have ANY authority on what's funny when you have the wits of a rabbit carcass.

It's like doing a triple axle in ice skating and one of the judges holding up a scorecard is a one armed person with no legs.


Could you imagine if everybody "laughed" the way Opie did and just gave everybody sentences of compliments and "plugs."

"Ah Suzie, you're so smart, you made the Dean's list again, tell everybody where you'll be going to for graduate school."

"Vurry good, Pete, vurry good, you finished the house contract 2 days before it was due and under budget, too. Where's your next renovation gonna be takin' place?"