Shots fired

28  2015-03-25 by adamtensta3

Wasnt it Opie that sanctioned old shows to be put on the channel to revive the mess it became?

So now he is leeching off of Jims talents on his gay ass youtube, and off the the past talent Anthony showcased while he profits? What a great and original and dynamic entertainer!

On a side note, my last thread regarding jeff scott was deleted Its all good. Check my post history for those interested.


Opie even bragged about how he played hardball to get Anthony content on the channel. That buxom idiot thinks playing Ant clips without compensating Ant with so much as a goddamn plug for TACS and a phoner in almost a year is a point in his favor. What a rebel. What a crusader.

ME: Yeah I tried talking to management about an Anthony phoned but that's a no go. Glad you like the direction of the show, brothaman

ME: It was time for a change! We both wanted a break!

ME: Anthony told me he doesn't want any compensation for running the material. Still trying to figure things out though.


I know. I just refuse to write that garbage. I'm an educated adult, I write with real words.

FUCK OPIE AND HIS "break" MANTRA. FUCK HIM IN HIS CAMEL TOED SNATCH. There are not enough hateful words to express how I really feel.


It aint that fucking hard to pick up the phone for a couple mins around 2-4 in the afternoon.

With 2 kids, a housekeeper, cook, nanny and funny mofos daily to run; who has the time!?

You forgot "ME:"

ME: do you IDIOTS really think anyone will listen to best of featuring just me?

He and Gregg signed the contract that licensed all the content to Sirius/XM. They were both basically paid contractors to make something they wouldn't own.

It's basically like SXM was building a house and sat there and watch their contractor make swastika shaped windows, fired the contractor when people complained and then kept the windows.

Wasn't that the grievance that Rogan had on doing anything on satellite since they would own all the material. Maybe I'm wrong on this.

yall is sum faggots imma suck all yo dicks

I gotta half pipe in my bedroom, wanna see it?

I hear you're good at that.

He's always profited off the talent of others. Nothing new here.

Here's what bothers me about Opie: he refuses to go on TACS and has done next to nothing to help Anthony post firing.

But Opie had ZERO problem fighting for the ability to play classic O&A clips featuring Anthony. And, as we know, Anthony is not compensated for this usage.

Now, Opie is using Jimmy's content and packaging it as his own - all the while getting paid for it.

Opie is the biggest, most selfish me-monster on the planet.

Remember that made up story Opie told when he announced that he will Now add Ants material to the Friday Podcast. The bullshit lie was he said "I had it out with management when Ant was fired and one of my stipulations for staying with the company is if we can include Ants material in the Friday Podcast again"!

I'm sure he stood his ground against management and stood up for Ant like that. If that was true, then why didn't he tell us in July that the podcast thing was one of his stipulations? Why did he wait several months TIL when it was announced?

That's just another one of Opie's fucking Hateable qualities! He was to much of a piece of shit coward to fight for Ant, so when the idea was brought to him to add old O&A shows to the Podcasts, Opie saw that as a chance to take credit so it looks like HE was the mastermind that did that for Ant! That way he could try to fraudulently win back some Ant Fans.

This is literally what OP said. Almost word for word.

The similarities are really clear - especially where the OP mentions TACS and Anthony not getting paid for replays.

I guess we're using different definitions of "literally."

That's probably why our hapless cuck cant go on Ant's show. "WHAAAT WOOOULD MANAGEMENT SAAAAY?"

It is a good point though, if he's such a bad person that he had to go why would they still give him air time?

This will indeed be the case. Opie will have contracted all his 'Content' to Sirius. Jimmy obviously is on a different contract as he is a stand up comic and needs to be able to 'promote' his shows on whatever medium available. Nevertheless, fuck Opie!

Eh he was paid very well by those fuckheads for his material. I dont like them but he got his checks.

he did sign on the dotted line, it's true. he signed the rights away and was compensated. the time to protect against something like this or get paid more has long passed.

but that's the company, still doesn't change how much a self-centered fuck opie is.

Not really shots fired. He wasn't saying it is fd up that Opie is playing them or anything, he is saying it is ridiculous the company would allow him to play the old stuff even though they fired him for his views. He didn't say "yes I hate that ope still plays my stuff because ......" his gripe is with SXM hypocrisy.

god i fucking hate every asshole on twitter. what the fuck happened to the human race?

I know, they just won't get off my lawn.

that 7 million dollar apartment isn't going to pay for itself.

So you don't think Lynsi will get a job?

If this bothers Anthony so much he should sue Sirius/XM. He probably can't though since they were never smart enough to retain their old shows during contract time.

This is why actors belong to unions. I do not know if Opie, Anthony or Jimmy were union employees.

I highly doubt they were unionized. They all had a habit of bitching about unions and how they are part of the reason why U.S. companies take jobs overseas because unions makes sure that instead of hiring guys to do a job for $15Hr, the unions bey about it and make the company hire Union workers and they all have to get paid 3 Times that much, and other bitches about unions.

Then they finish their rant by saying "I'm not knocking Unions"! And then they start mentioning everyone in their family who was Union. Jimmy has bitched A Lot about Union workers putting their nose in the Theaters and clubs were he performs, and how Jim can't let Kenny count people coming in, he has to hire Union workers to stand there and do nothing.

I agree.

I thought O&A were in a union so they could get insurance coverage. They discussed it around the Obamacare swap over rants.

Enough with the "shots fired".

I don't see shots fired at all.

Awww sheeeeiiit

Nothing comes up. Was the tweet removed?

Opie never said he was to hostile it was management

Anthony is right. I doubt he's being compensated for using his likeness. If Anthony were an actor or musician, he would be paid a royalty every time his old content was used and/or repurposed. However in radio, his previous contract likely has a clause which allows SiriusXM to use his voice and likeness from his time at SiriusXM for life without providing additional compensation. If this is not in his contract, Anthony should file a lawsuit because the case would have a major impact on the entire radio industry.

It's a multi-million dollar contract between a public entertainment company and talent represented by an experienced agent. No sense in speculating about whether they forgot to address ownership of the content in the contract. It's there.

That being said, I completely understand why he feels infuriated.

They don't own the content, the same happened when they worked for WNEW

s'all Good brotherman!


his likeness

It's not his likeness. It's him.

Here's a brief and accurate explanation of the legal definition of one's likeness:

his voice and likeness

There is no likeness unless Anthony has a patent on his persona and someone is imitating him and making money.

Hello. This is anthony cumia bot. I am as anthony is. Waddle. Doodle.

I was thinking about this while listening to the podcast. How is he on a Sirius sanctioned podcast and not getting paid? He's ok to promote the channel but not ok to be a host? Weird...

He was paid to do the show, he doesn't own the content

Opie stinks but I can't fault him for putting good radio on the air.

"still play my shit" What is SireousXM, a proctologist of sumptin .....tsssssssssssssssssssssssss

Your other thread was deleted because it has nothing to do with Opie, Anthony or Norton. It was off topic

Someone who started the original TACS subreddit (and it blew up to the point Anthony Cumia goofed on him) is being discussed isn't relevant to Opie, Anthony, or Norton...

Then why has Norm MacDonald been featuring on the front page 3 separate times over the past week? He's never been associated with O&A.

That's bullshit. Why is a clip from Norm MacDonald's podcast at the top of this sub's front page? There's clearly an allowance for tangential material.

Yes, im familiar with the reasoning. But it certainly was sub related and not off topic. A thread was stickied regarding the very topic 5 months ago. Anyways its not a big deal. Lets not make a mountain out of a mole hill. Im not going to push the subject,, its not worth getting into a bru haha about. I see your position and will heed your warning.

shut up

Fuck off you ball licking little bitch. Are you going to follow that guy around now to other subs and fight his battles? Pussy

What an angry little man.