
4  2015-03-24 by phyrexianlovepump

Was that a bit, or is bitch tits a straight up fucking retard?


I don't know why it's hard for anyone to let it sink in that his brain never worked the way normal people's work. He's admitted multiple times that his mother burned garbage indoors and he thinks that that gaseous plastic might have given him brain damage.

I have a feeling people don't quantify opie's stupidity properly. They just emotionally qualify it. They hate him because he's a douche, and it's satisfactory to categorize him as "below average intelligence."

But it isn't satisfactory. There's a massive difference between the 0-10 percentile and the 20-30 percentile. Just let it sink in - truly sink in - that aside from the clinically and congenitally retarded, he is extraordinarily fuckin dumb.

he's THAT retarded

A bit would have required show prep.

Jimmy and Bobbys mix between irritation and disbelief of how dumb he is was so real and so great.

If it was a bit, every time he's tried to read a word with 8 or more letters in it has been a bit. He's a 90 IQ dope with no redeeming qualities and about 10 bad ones.

I'd like to say he was a sociopath, or had Borderline Personality Disorder or maybe something you could pity him for like Asperger's. It'd be more interesting and I'd feel like less of a fool for listening to him for about 10 years. But he's just a dumb cunt. Statistically speaking, the country has about 15 million men in the 85 to 100 IQ range a good deal of them are cunts.

I miss Anthony. That is all.

He's struggled with reading and pronunciation for enos.


I was listening to the newfie bit last night and opie struggles repeatedly with the word newfoundland. He says "newFOUND, newFOUNDla..." Anthony cuts in and says it right. It really seemed like he had never heard of the place. Then a few minutes later he struggles again and Ant cuts in again and says "just say newfie."


That was clearly fake, he started to say it correctly like 15 times and then would go into fake stammering. I really fucking hate him. I need to stop coming to this sub, I have not listened to the show since cumia got shit canned but I come here to ruin my day by listening to clips of that bird brained waste of oxygen try to make mediocre radio and fail. It's worse than being addicted to heroin

Don't talk shit about it on YouTube. You'll get bitchslapped by Corporate Cunt's zombie fans.

Look for Go for yourself sticking his tongue up Corporate Cunt's ass.