Take Chip Out to the Ballgame

0  2015-03-24 by Nightkrawler49



Opie got front row tickets to a game and spent his time filming a character he hates in the hopes if going viral.

Gotta check the numbahs.

Blobby Kelly was the one filming him though, that conversation must have been so weird. "Can I steal your character so I can make a viral video brotherman?"

Well I figured Opie didn't take the video. You win this round Opie

It's even douchier that he also took Bob Kelly's shots and didn't mention him when he's monetizing the video.


Hey did you hear this subreddit has been rated as the second most bigoted on reddit.

Yes. We've got work to do.


The reason Chip's so funny is because we all know Norton's about 2 concussions away from being a Jersey open-micer named Chip.