Article on the Patrice documentary on the Ibang. I think it's actually gonna be legit.

2  2015-03-24 by BoboOrban6


Ron really humanized von for me. She came off real good

I've never understood the hate she gets here, she obviously cares about Patrices legacy.


I'll have you know that Mark Farrell is one of the best supervising boardmembers that San Francisco's 2nd district has ever seen!

Crowdfunding is a scam.

What do you mean by legit? You don't think there's really any plan for a doc?

How many listeners could Opie and Jim really have if the campaign has less than 400 backers?

500 listeners.

Is this the part that made it seem legit?

But the crowdfunding campaign is only one component of the funding plan for the film. “That number, $125,000 is not the full amount of what this is going to cost,” Farrell said. Even if they don’t reach the full goal they’ve set from Indiegogo, they are going to get started. “It’s going to cost double what our initial goal is, at least. And whether that money comes from private funding, or networks, or wherever it comes from, what we really wanted to do was get started being true to the fans and in partnership with the fans so that everybody felt like they were a part of this thing.”

I don't think its going to get made. They're currently at $37,000 which is barely more than 10% of what they're saying its going to cost. With it being flexible funding, I see that as an almost $40,000 donation to someone. Unless someone with deep pockets steps in and gets it made, I just don't see it.

Unless someone with deep pockets steps in and gets it made, I just don't see it.

Didn't Opie say he'd make up the difference? I'm certain he did because it made me hope the campaign only made $5.

Didn't Opie say he'd make up the difference? I'm certain he did because it made me hope the campaign only made $5.

Yes he said he'd make up the difference on air; he'd be a complete dick not to now.

Opie's welched on many bets. Look up Derosa's push-up challenge. & he never paid Eastside Dave the $500 for gaining weight

Not sure, I don't listen any more...I don't see Opie forking over a quarter of a million dollars. He didn't even pay E-Rock the full amount for his vacation like he said he was going to.

It's not a gift, it's an investment. This is how people make money by making movies. If the movie is good enough and can get proper distribution in some form, then he/whoever can make money back. I think people just keep thinking of the bumbling mess that is Women Aren't Funny and think this is doomed, but if it's a quality movie it can find a home at a studio, or recoup the money with other sales.

I doubt it's just Opie though, I'd be surprised if all his friends weren't pitching in. We know Louie can afford some.

Louie didn't even do any of the comedy shows though did he? I can't imagine he is going out of his way to put money into it.

I think he might help in some way, at least Bill Burr would and the rest of them. Maybe get Farrakhan to throw in some shekels cause he pissed off white women.

If they're going to, they need to do it on the indiegogo page because they've got a long way to go, and people might be more willing to donate if it gets closer.

I believe Lynsi is going to pay for this one.

Not on her allowance. Might need to ask Opie for an increase.

Or Bam

Don't be silly, if Bam had any money she would have left her sham marriage with Opie for him so her kids could be raised by their biological father.

You make a valid point here.

The Ibang isn't a legit site though

Don't be silly, if Bam had any money she would have left her sham marriage with Opie for him so her kids could be raised by their biological father.

If they're going to, they need to do it on the indiegogo page because they've got a long way to go, and people might be more willing to donate if it gets closer.