Brendon formerly of WWTDD and show regular has had enough of Opie

93  2015-03-24 by kylewayne


it feels stupid even saying this but Im Brendon ( proof, maybe? ), and Im actually on this sub a lot but made this throwaway account for this.

like some people said, i created and wrote a site that ONA would mention from time to time, so i don't "know" Opie (or anyone else on the show) but we've traded a few dozen emails and the guy has never been anything but nice to me.

i probably should have just shut up today on twitter (even though im just some random jackass and my opinion doesn't carry any more or less weight than every other person on here), I just don't understand what he's doing.

Ant got fired because sirius is run by dimwitted and skittish pussies, but also because hes got some self destructive qualities. so if Opie is mad at Ant, its not entirely unreasonable. i just wish he would say it.

if nothing else Opie was always the guy who was honest.

remember when Ashley Dupre...

was a guest (i think Mohr and a guy with the Stanley Cup were on that day too), because she was a prostitute who just did Playboy after fucking the Governor of New York, but then when she got on the air she only wanted to talk about being a singer?

Ant and Jimmy actually played along with that shit; Opie was the one who lasted about 5 minutes before basically telling her to get out, before telling her that shes not on the radio because people give a shit about song lyrics that a teen prostitute wrote.

that version of Opie would never do the shit hes doing now. if he was mad at Ant and sirius, he would say it. he wouldn't just act like Ant never existed and that management at sirius somehow stopped being panicky retards overnight.

EDIT/UPDATE: so did Opie maybe take down that first tweet? if so, to recap, at about 6 this morning (3 for me here in Vegas), Opies twitter said:

"The OpieRadio-FunnyMofos Daily is out! Stories via @AndyKindler @TheRevBobLevy @elizaskinner"

then i posted this

so the "update" here is that this story is pretty fucking boring

At least you said something. I mean, all of us here are O&A fans (even with Opie). The show Opie now puts out is nearly identical to the shows from Jocktober and we just want him to be honest. I can tolerate him being shitty, unfunny, untalented, hack, etc...But I can't stand him being such a lying, hypocritical fraud

However, nobody can actually tell him this. Reddit is now "ohhhh, that hater site" and any criticism on Twitter is quickly dismissed and the "Hater" is blocked. I would message him through YouTube with constructive criticism, hoping that he would turn the show around and broadcast something listenable...but, no...I was just being a hater

So at least someone that once had his respect is speaking out. The usual comics/"Friends of the Show" don't have the balls to tell him the show stinks.

He can ignore the thousands of fans that tell him he's shit, but he's such an egomaniac that your criticism may actually affect him. At least, I hope so

The retarded fanatic fan was caught on video saying opie sucks. I'd say Opie's ego is having to do a balancing act as we speak. He will either explode or dissapear. It has to happen eventually.

if nothing else Opie was always the guy who was honest.

Yeah I don't know about this.

I think he did delete it. I enjoyed your stories on WWTDD, right when you left it felt whoever was writing was trying to hard and was shitty.

Opie was following you at the time of your tweet, but it looks like you have been dumped: Was burning that bridge worth it?

fucking gregshells


He deleted the tweet and stopped following him instead of being a real person and just responding. How much more hateable can Opie possibly become? Absolutely everything he does is steeped in folly.

Fuck yes it was worth it! If Opie blocked a guy he thought was his Twitter buddy? Then that means Opie read Brendan's Tweet. Think about how much Brendan's tweet burned Opie's ass? Hip Hip HOORAY!!πŸŽ†πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽ‘πŸŽπŸŽ‹πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ

Hey Brendon, I just started following you on twitter because of this thread. I used to read WWTDD all the time, you had some really great lines over the years, and I appreciated the contempt for celebrity.

I think the example you brought up could speak volumes about all three of them, though.

Granted I don't think I've ever heard this exact audio so I'm basically talking out of my ass.

But based on my experience listening in the past, in a situation like this Ant and Jim probably would play along with the idea that this chick is a singer. They'd get their jokes in subtly and mock the whole thing along the way. Because they are funny they can do this.

Opie on the other hand has no comedic skill. The only thing he's ever brought to the table is the fearlessness to be outright mean to someone's face. He realized somewhere along the lines that this will get laughs just off the mere shock of it.

What you're calling honesty, I'd say is more likely him going back to the only well he has which is "shock jockery."

But again, like I said, haven't heard the audio. Maybe he handled it better than that.

If he deleted the original tweet does that mean he finally got rid of "the funny mofos"??? #ripFunnyMofos


it feels stupid even saying this but Im Brendon ( proof, maybe? ), and Im actually on this sub a lot but made this throwaway account for this.

So, did he block you yet?

Always thought the wwtdd guy was named "Brandon". Huh. Guess you learn something new every day. For what it's worth I used to enjoy reading that site before it turned to shit. What was the deal with that anywho? How did you get ousted from your own website?!

So did you do too?

No, Shane runs Entensity. Kinda weird seeing that site brought up here. Forum member?

No. I just used to be a huge entensity fan before I discovered reddit and for some reDon I thought they were linked.

I'm really glad I don't know what prepburger is.

I used to visit your site daily, did you ever start a new one?

I still love Opie as much as I love Ant and Jim. Whatever anyone feels about the situation as is... I think its just wrong to forget that these 3 guys did the best damn show ever together. I simply refuse to turn on any one of them. Its my way of thanking them for the laughs. Let it work itself out. I look at it this way... now I have even more hours to listen to my radio pals, Opie, Ant, Jim, Ron, Fez... and all of the other great friends of the show who branched out to do podcasts.


Your life is a throw away account.

Paul O ya lifes a throwaway

"Hi I was a writer on WWTDD it's like Perez Hilton only more shit."

"Hi I was a writer on WWTDD it's like Perez Hilton only more shit."

thats not true. i was the only writer.


Brendan is a faggy name.

so is "brendon", but theyre both better than "agatha", and neither is my real name. i just used it when i started writing online because i wasnt trying to be some dickhead like perez hilton. the only thing more pathetic than a famous blogger is a blogger trying to be famous.

Agathy Tinsley is what used to make the show great.

Agatha Tinsley is a Jim Norton fabrication...He had a movie idea called "The Rape of Agatha Tinsley" the story of an elderly women who gets gang raped by a group of large minorities. The movie is over 3 hours long, the rape is 2 hours and 56 minutes...So yes, Agatha was intended to be a terrible name.

I just wanted to clear up any mix up...Carry on, faggots



Why would he be upset, looks to me like Op just pushed out another issue of the Funny MoFo's. These are fucking great! Full of hilarity

Homerun Chippah

Brendon? What is he, a tendon made of bread or sumptin?


Chippa MD, Doctorate in bones and destruction DVVV DVVV

I fear one day I will die of a heart attack on reddit and they will find me slumped in front of some stupid comment like this, stupid grin on my face.

"Cause of death, Chipped."

opie deleted the tweet


Just what I expected. Greggshells can't handle the motherfucking truth.

Oh he's so blocked.

What does getting blocked mean? I don't use twitter. Can a blocked account view the blocker's account or vice versa?

Your tweets to a person who blocked you won't get through. But you can still read the blockers tweets.

The blocker's followers can't see the blocked person's tweets either.

Why is this a problem? Can't you just make an account, drop a verbal deuce of someone and forget you ever even had that twitter account?

Or you just open it in another browser when you're not logged into twitter and you see can see their tweets. It's not like they designed it with the intent of blocking genius hackers, it's just a way for you to tell someone that you don't appreciate their shit.

It might work for a normal person. This guy has 40k followers, making a new account wouldn't hold as much weight.

"Prepburger for Twitter". Damn. That's a pretty succinct description of that shit. And with the douchiest possible title...oh...let me guess....

That's the bit?

what the fuck is WWTDD ? I'm supposed to just know that?

What Would Tyler Durden Do

It was (is? idgaf) a celebrity gossip site that Opie used to fellate. Opie and this guy used to be "pals".

Opie and this guy used to be "pals".

Friend of the showβ„’

Can you confirm or deny that Opie may have been "All in with WWTDD?"

Sources indicate that, yes, he was in fact all in with WWTDD, but those same sources seem to agree that he has now most definitely tapped out of WWTDD due to today's tweets from Brendon.


It's a gossip site. When he wrote for it he basically made fun of celebrities and posted the latest nude pics. He was a pretty funny guy imo.

you should add the google dictionary app to your browser. You just double click a word and it gives you the definition

It doesn't work on post titles, but as someone that thought it made more sense to post this question than to type 5 letters into your search bar, this is likely a perfect app for you

Oh, so this is the guy that argued with Ian Halperin a couple times.

Google it

It's a site that used to get mentioned on the show from time to time. It stopped being funny after Brendon kind of flaked out and got fired/quit.

But seriously...doesn't everybody know at this point that Funny Mofos is a bot that opie has nothing to do with really? I don't even think it's pulled from who he follows. If I remember correctly (from the one time I clicked on it years ago) it just points to some shitty site. Could be wrong...but i'm not willing to click that garbage again to find out.

Sooo he should get rid of it...

Vos bashed it, quite deservedly, and he still kept it.

And he named it Funny Mofos.....

Joe Rogan had the same bot a few years back for the Joe Rogan Daily, it was fuckin annoying and he ditched it

Agreed. The shit sucks. Do we even know if he named it? Kinda sounds like a "we like to keep our site family friendly" kind of name that he probably didn't have control over.

Either's garbage, and the shit he gets for it probably isn't worth the passive income it generates for him.

Yes, if you can find the clip of Vos mocking it he gives some horseshit excuse like he just named it really fast without thinking about it or something.

See the below example of Joe Rogan Daily, as evidence that Opie did name his paper Funny Mofos since the names are obviously customizable.

oh...ok. It just got a little gayer then.

He use to call it funny "peeps" but i guess then thought "mofos" would be even funnier.

He consciously chose that name.

Funny Mofos


Is that an upgrade from mutha-hucka? I'm not sure it is.

But seriously...doesn't everybody know at this point that Funny Mofos is a bot that opie has nothing to do with really?

So why is it still going? The only defense of the dumb thing is it's put out without his control. Well, if it's completely automated and means nothing, then why does he let it be put out?

I assume it's the free money. But I doubt it's worth the mockery.

I don't even think it's pulled from who he follows.

it seems youre right. andy kindler just sent me this

Kindler has under 100,000 followers, is he really popular enough for a bot to randomly track his stuff and put it on Opies "daily".

I think it's funnier that you didn't @ mention Kindler. That means he sits around searching his name in twitter.

I think it's funnier that you didn't @ mention Kindler. That means he sits around searching his name in twitter.

The full content of Brendon's tweets.

"What the hell Opie? Promoting @AndyKindler , yet again, after all the stuff he said about Ant? Opie, you've basically done every single thing wrong every single day for 6 months.ONA fans pretty much despise you at this point, which is fucking astounding considering that you're O. We should like you.

@RonMorse I'm pretty sure you're right about them just compiling his followers for content, but that means he follows Kindler @RonMorse the whole "funny mofo" thing is awful anyway. its like prepburger for twitter, if Opie had any dignity he'd be embarrassed.

I miss the hell out of Brendan's WWTDD. One of the only websites that could make me laugh out loud with words.

One thing I'll never forget is him describing Eva Mendes: "She’s a hot naked chick with big tits and dark perfect skin, like a sexy gypsy, casting a spell on my penis."

I'll never forget visiting WWTDD when Brendon was finally, officially gone and just being astounded at how horrific the new writing was. There was some kind of top 10 list about pets or "how you know your dog is mexican" or something horribly douchey like that. What a fucking waste of a great site.

@Reddingwb: He should have never been fired. But now he is leading the way in how to do a show on the net.

Ant is leading the way on doing an internet show now? I was under the impression he was quite late to the party and operating under an antiquated business model of pay to watch entertainment.

His pay model is pretty shitty considering he has ads during the middle of the show, but the show itself is very current, maybe even a bit ahead of the curve. It has a real adult slant to it, no problem showing hardcore porn and having naked bitches in, that's something that doesn't exist elsewhere. Legion of Skanks smoking dope during the show is something you could never imagine on a corporate show either.

I paid for a year sub, I won't be paying anymore though. I think a lot of us felt obligated because we were listening to the show for awhile and not paying for Sirius/XM. We wanted a way to just pay for O&A, that opportunity never presented itself, so we finally got our chance to contribute without supporting that shit company.

He's going to have to switch to a model more like Rogan, or he's going to lose listeners. O&A had the same problem when they were first on XM. You have to pay an extra $2 a month for their very shocking channel "HIGH VOLTAGE," and they constantly complained about it because they didn't have access to new listeners.

I can't imagine that Ant's subscriber base is growing by much, and I hope he's using the initial subscription bump that he got to invest in the podcast long term rather than building it as a growth model.

I got the 6 month subscription but stopped listening with about 2 months to go. It just plain sucks and I loved Anthony before that. They really need a proper producer. Someone who can book guests and knows how get the most out of Ants ability. Staring awkwardly directly into the camera inbetween laughing at youtube clips doesn't make an entertaining podcast when you listen in your car, or at the gym.

They also need a co-host. This is hard to get right, but Ant always worked better playing off of someone else. Laurel and hardy perfected it, straight man/funny man. Also the show would definitely benefit from someone who has slightly opposed poilitical opinions. If we wanted to hear regurgitated fox news we could just listen to fox news.

When the show first started the priority was to get 2 things: a phone screener and paltalk. WHY? The callers add nearly fuck all, and paltalks only use is some way for Ant to trawl for young pussy. Keith may live out his cuckold fantasies vicariously through Anthony, but I'd rather not pay to hear a grown man creep on someone that could be his granddaughter. I think Ant and Keith the cop have really squandered the momentum they got and should probably just reset and start again.

You know what I do about the ads? I skip the first minute into the show then go grab a drink while he does a live read in the middle. It's not a problem and obviously necessary for the show to succeed.

  1. They're during the show too and he'll interrupt a conversation to do a read.

  2. Already paying a subscription.

Would you rather he ups the sub rate and ends up losing subscribers and eventually going broke with no show?

If Rogan can run his show, and Corolla can run a network, both with no subscription, I'm sure Ant can do it.

It'd be cool if he got to that point. Think of it as us investing in our radio hero.

They both have more money than Ant as well as a larger following. Don't be such a jew.

Rogan didn't have a very big following when he started doing his show. He built his audience. Ant has more of a built in audience from O&A than Rogan did from Fear Factor.

don't ruin their fun.

The things mentioned in the article that require a subscription are irrelevant thanks to piracy or pointless like online newspaper. The subscription model is antiquated because the moment you put up a paywall there will always be someone to find a way around it.

The article also says that more people are willing to pay premiums for a la carte entertainment providers like Spotify and Hulu. This will be the same when HBO offers their web-only service and frees it'self from cable contracts. This isn't a dying model, it's an emerging one. Most people are tired of seeing ads and are willing to pay a small price to get the content they want online and on demand.

Anthony knows people will see his shit on YouTube and on the best-of podcast HE puts out but he must also know there is more & more people willing do dish out $8 for unlimited access to his content too which is why he doesn't fight it.

It only seems like it's emerging because it has taken this long to finally work out an alternative to piracy that can generate revenue.

that page doesn't exist anymore. nothing like a smarmy reply that blows up in your face.

For five hours people saw the full conversation thus the likes. So it didn't really blow up in my face. It just means faggots like you late to the party missed out.

said the smarmy dope who doesnt understand how to take a screencap.

5 hours? whoa, what a man of internet longevity!

Look at your reply the only smarmy dope here is you. Opie is the one trying to cover up what happened by deleting his tweet so you have more of a cry you missed out faggot.

I didn't read his twitter message. Wa happen? Some guy who cut contact with us years ago? Aaaanother hater who couldn't make it maaan.

His world is collapsing. Id be surprised if this shit show lasts through April

Hampton's Howie's show's been dropping in quality since 2010, and he's still on. He's just as bad.

His world isn't collapsing, Brenon is just another hater, duh.

Shitty thing is...Mantits will only address that Mofos ISN'T him, but something that is set up and tweeted automatically.

You can see the change in tone in Brendon's tweets when it's pointed out to him. He's like..Well, it's still douchey anyway.

If Mantits even talks about will just be how Brendon fucked up cause he doesn't actually post mofos himself.

He acts as if Funny Mofos is like fucking Skynet. It's become aware and cannot be stopped.

Opie and Fez should do a show together


2015-03-24 11:48:32 UTC

The OpieRadio-FunnyMofos Daily is out! Stories via @AndyKindler @TheRevBobLevy @elizaskinner


2015-03-24 12:14:42 UTC

@OpieRadio ONA fans pretty much despise you at this point, which is fucking astounding considering that youre O. we should like you.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

This is great because Opie used to put that site over a bunch

Over/Under on Opie calling him a "Hater"?

Yet another person i find funny and smart vocalizes his hatred of the Opster. This is so fun to watch.

I liked him on Wwtd. Lex isn't as good of a writer.

Love the Opie defender trashing Big Bang Theory. What a brave and edgy stance to take. Just like his hero.

His twitter bio is succinct tho.

says offensive things that generally aren't funny and a failure at snobbery. Also unnecessarily snarky. #TeamDDPYoga

Opie would use his jokes off instant feedback for years. I guess he feels some sense of obligation. Dolt.

Brendon were you really dating that super hot asian girl? She was incredible. If you were, please post some naked pics here. Thanks in advance.

OP please deliver.


On an unrelated note....what the fuck happened to Penn? Guy looks like he's dying.

Guy's 60. And was someone who "wore fat" well. I just met him in Vegas. He is pretty skinny now, but does look better in person.


The Redding faggot is enraging. He says people shouldn't listen if they don't like it, while his fucking hero tweets celebs he hates and has interns pouring over Todd Show audio all day...

Of course Corporate Cunt's douchebag superfans step up and defend their god:

Redding ‏@Reddingwb 2h2 hours ago @bearsaremean @OpieRadio The people that are pissed that he didn’t leave Sirius are nuts. As a fan your getting more now.

Kevin Shaw ‏@KevShaw27 2h2 hours ago @Reddingwb @bearsaremean @OpieRadio O&A fans are fucking babies. Why would anyone listen to a radio show they don't like? It's ok to not.

Stop trying to make Corporate Cunt happen. It's not going to happen.

it's been going on so long that I kind of feel like adopting it now just to infuriate people

Slightly undermined by him being angry at Andy Kindler for "saying stuff" about Ant. That's his act. They were jokes. Getting upset over jokes is the same thing no matter the joke's subject.

True that. Also, Andy Kindler is actually pretty funny.

Andy Kindler is not funny at all.

Yes he is.

You should be beheaded.

You should begivinghead-ed. To me. Cunt. Andy Kindler is funny.

Ah, now I can see why you like kindler

The only reason you guys hate on Kindler is because he made of fucking anthony. None of you had ever heard of him before he made you all cry, you bunch of crybaby fucks.

Boo-hoo, he made fun of a racist guy who got in trouble for saying racist shit. WAHHHHHHHH.


Tbh I did really like his character in Home Movies.

And Mort the mortician from Bob's Burgers. So I guess he has voices going for him.

I'm torn here. On one hand, Opie. On the other hand, I'm not sure I care what some faggoty celebrity gossip site owner has to say. I think it's a wash.

Nothing's right, you're torn.

I'm a little late to all of this

How is it that you feel?

Judging from his twitter feed he's a meathead UFC nuthugger. He is no Gavin McInnes that's for sure.

The only reason you guys hate on Kindler is because he made of fucking anthony. None of you had ever heard of him before he made you all cry, you bunch of crybaby fucks.

Boo-hoo, he made fun of a racist guy who got in trouble for saying racist shit. WAHHHHHHHH.

Look at your reply the only smarmy dope here is you. Opie is the one trying to cover up what happened by deleting his tweet so you have more of a cry you missed out faggot.