So Opie blocked me. This fan was too enraging.

2  2015-03-23 by Lilcumia

@mayimbe181: @OpieRadio how do you top a perfect well of radio? You're a conductor of conversation. Great job this past week homie. Bring @DanSoder On

Me : @mayimbe181 @OpieRadio @DanSoder Last week was bad radio on the O and J show. No more Sherrod Small

Thats Opie and Jim now.


I can't be the only one conditioned to read Me as Opie replying when in reality OP was trying to convey that was him responding to the sycophant.

I assume all compliments to Opie on how well the show is going are just people trolling.

If we can take away one thing, it's that positive comments are valid and to be believed, while negative ones are "bullying" and should be dismissed. (Paraphrasing Jimmy from the Fat News Lady clip.)

The same can be said and happens continuously in this subreddit

I would say the opposite is true.

If they would just have Sherrod on for oh, I don't know, ONE day in row people might want to hear more of him at some point in the future. Instead they burn him the fuck out to where the next time he's there it's "WTF, Again?!"

Opie's hypocrisy is a constant source of revulsion.

count yourself lucky son, youre free of his shit
