Opie on College Basketball teams: "There's Wisconsin and Wisconsin State"

7  2015-03-23 by pootsforever

And then proceeds to have an extended conversation about college basketball. Literally flipped to the channel for 30 seconds and heard this shit.

Jesus Fuck.


No one associated with the show is a legitimate sports fan. Maybe the one that likes the Orioles and the Habs, but no one cares about them. Also, pro wrestling isn't a sport.

To be fair, Norton does a great job at pointing out the inanity of sports talk radio and sports fandom.

Yeah, Travis is the biggest sports fan out of all of them, but even he really isn't that into it, evidenced by the fact that he can't really answer any questions outside of what a very casual fan might know. Not that it's a flaw of his, but the rest of the show treats him like he's Howie Schwab

My wife - a total non-sports fan - knows more than Travis does.

I wish they wouldn't discuss things they know nothing about...but then I guess it would be three hours of kid talk and trannies.

It's still a sport to me, dammit!

I have to give Opie a lot of credit for this comment.

He is smart enough to know that states can have more than one college/university in it.

Fucking brilliant broadcaster, I thought I was listening to Chris "mad-dog" Russo for a second. I love when 2 assholes who watch Housewives shows try to act manly, or like they know what the fuck they are talking about before bullshit spews out their fucking lips.

Non sports people should not talk sports, but I bet management tells them to, ya know, to be relevant. Rollerblading does not count you closeted faggot Opie.

The reason the show is horrible is its not just sports they don't know anything about, it's everything. There are a lot of sports fans so there are more people who realize they don't know shit about it. But ask someone who is into politics if O&J are knowledgable about that. Or pop culture. Or music. Those 2 guys have no interest but themselves. Anthony was into outside things & it really carried the other 2 for many years

I tuned in about an hour into the show...heard Florentine...switched to music.

The best sports talk I ever heard on that channel, bar none, was Ron Bennington's speech the show back after the Phillies won.


I hate the Phillies but I was happy they won just for Ronnie and his dad. True fan, good fucking guy. Embodies what being a fan of a team is really all about.
