Too much Ope douche to keep up with this morning.

15  2015-03-23 by nolasen

I'm only about 30min into the show. Assface is in rare form. Pumped up over something. Boitoi Florentine's return perhaps? I'm going to mark the calendar to see if it synchronizes with her cycle.


Today was high even for Opie for god-awful moments. Here's one in particular, where he has to interupt Jim, make literally one of the most unfunny, generic jokes, Jim gives him the car crash, and he got really offended and said he didn't make the joke(which I didn't understand, he clearly did). Today would be a good show for someone who hasn't listened in a while and wants to understand why everyone hates it now.

That first story is Scorch's Weird News 100%

Is this what the show is now? This is simply unlistenable.

You didn't link to the timestamp?

I thought I did, I'll try again: if that doesnt work it's 24:45

Oh. My. God.

"I whashnt eehven tryingh for a joockh!!!!"

A). Yes you were, it's obvious B). If you were not trying for a joke...then what the hell was that?

He sucks at an ASTRONOMICAL level........

Oh god he's awful

Worse than awful

Ewwwwwww. He was clearly going for a joke.

What a bizarre human being

how dumb is he that he thought 'The Slap' was a reality show?!



The dumbest human in history

Or that if it were a reality show it would be interesting.

The true psychotic idiocy of the Ol' Opester would be justifying it with an indignant tone:

"ME: That's the bit! Of COURSE! That's the bit!"



Stop tuning into this piece of shit already so they can be dropped from the station. Then we can have Jimmy do a decade of radio with Ant before AIDS or liver damage knocks one of them off.

The worst was he was saying something and then repeated it over and over slower and slower like a robot powering down. Very bad.

Heard this. I wonder what Jim and Jim were looking at while he makes retard noises for no reason at all.

I listened to enough of the show (five minutes?) to hear this and it was painful.

this was the most uncomfortable show I've ever listened to. Opie is on a whole new level of delusion.. he needs to be put down.

"Gil" calls in at 37:15. I highly suspect he's a prepburger character. Judge for yourself.

I like the show but was not able to listen, today. What happened?

Slow down. Take us through this.

Are you suggesting we, break this down?

Where you been dummy? Care to tell everyone why the fuck you made the other cumia sub private

Yes. Explain your faggotry, Jeff.

That's private information.

what a fisherman little girl. Cant stand behind you're actions

It's private.

I'm not sure if you are a faggot or just a cunt.

This fucking asshole

I'm not sure if you are a faggot or just a cunt.