Mike the (short Napoleon complex, Compound douche, divorced with 2 kids Cumia ballwasher) Marine Sclafani has found love with 3 kids, two different cucks Lindsay (Cumia groupie, trash bag, midget) Gregorio

0  2015-03-22 by DassRaciss


Who gives a shit

You, enough to login and comment.

Man, you have a creepy hard-on for Ant's girls. Good luck with that.

I think he has a hard on for Ant and just lashes out at the girls.

Your post history is mostly stalking other reddit users' profiles and post history, and shaming them.

um, what? Not even close.

While we're at it, did you really grow an inch taller in less than a year? http://i.imgur.com/GyMn5DK.png

You bet your sweet ass I did.

Congrats on admitting you wear mommy's shoes. You're a bigger (short) man than Ant.

Explain the joke more.

Be more insecure about your height.


Your next post: "5'8"; Male; Stillettoes



Good title.

What are you babbling about

Maybe Bobo will fuck them both up in jealous rage.

I like turtles


While "LinzBella" attention whores for free next to the shitter in a shit hole casino, one of her ex's watches her kids: https://instagram.com/designflowwraps/

You chose some boring people to stalk.

We are both commenting on a subreddit about radio show most people have never heard of. We are equals.

Some are more equal than others though.

Downvote away, but "Linzbella" said Anthony thinks we're all losers. Too bad she was too stupid to know when Anthony asked her to delete the post, it stuck anyway: http://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/2mlvkj/for_all_of_you_gossip_queens_in_your_moms_basement/

"Linzbella" said Anthony thinks we're all losers

if he does then he's not wrong

Only if you're a paid subscriber. Emphasis on "sub".

Some are more equal than others though.

While we're at it, did you really grow an inch taller in less than a year? http://i.imgur.com/GyMn5DK.png

Your next post: "5'8"; Male; Stillettoes