When I'm scrolling thru the posts, and I see something uninteresting, douchey, whatever..

0  2015-03-22 by pissinurbutt

I just keep scrolling till I find something that DOES interest me, and check it out. I cannot fathom, taking the time and energy, to go to a post that didn't interest me, just to comment that it's a shitty post and you should die, and whatever crazy shit people write. Do I post douchey shit?? Hell yes, I do. Do I get stoned think something is hilarious and post it?? All the time. And when I get up the next day, see what I posted isn't really funny at all, do I get "embarrassed" or hide my head in SHAME?? Fuck no. In fact, it becomes even funnier to me. There's some very angry, very bitter people here, that need to chill out. It ain't that serious. Whenever I receive or read those comments, I immediately picture some 13 year old just typing away. Then I realize, it can't be. No youngster is going to be here. The realization that a man, a FUCKING MAN, is writing this idiotic shit is so disturbing to me, that I had to write about it. And yes, I'm stoned.


What's that? Your phone crapped out.

This would be one of those posts.


O&A fans have the stereotype of being distubingly immature, lacking in the IQ dept, mommy issues and low self esteem, yet way too high confidence in their ability to tell a joke or be funny. So, I shouldn't be surprised, but I always am. It's funny the stereotype is exactly the way Opie is.

Actually it's called, it ain't that serious and so glad I'm not a petty, trifling little cunt with serious anger and size issues. Well, that's what I would call it anyway

anger issues "trifling little cunt" "size issues"

The irony.

That's not irony, sweetheart.

Whatever helps you feel better about emulating that which you hate.

If I could understand what it is you're trying to say, I just might agree with you.

Shut up, already. Jesus.

Why?? What do you care?? I'm not affecting your insignificunt life, so what business it of yours what the fuck I comment?? Exactly the kind of babyish, trying to be an asshole, unnecessary cunt comments I'm talking about. YOU shut up poopoo head....there I GOT YOU,,,huh??? Fucking retarded

Something obviously affected you if you're posting about it.

Posts like these are so weird to me. How long have you been on the internet that you're just discovering people are shits?

Yes, that's why I posted it. I am aware there are shitty little people on the internet. It's just I'm not usually associated with them in any way. I mean, I'm an O&A fan, so we all have that in common. So it's embarrassing and disappointing when those pieces of shit are among us. You expect it on Youtube, Twitter or other places where you can assume it's just kids being little assholes. But, it has to be grown men here, and that blows me away.

Post your tits again, you crazy person.

A candy colored clown they call the Sandman, tiptoes to my room every night. Just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper, "Go to sleep, everything is alright."