I hope this new season of Louie has more pseudo indie movie qualities.

0  2015-03-21 by phohawk

Unfunny shit that tries so hard to be artsy. These FX ads for the show makes me hate it even more. Wish Colin Quinn got more attention.


Yeah, booooooo! Why can't he just say retard and cunt again like it's 2006?

I know! It's almost like he's developing! Who would have thought he wanted to branch out from his northeastern, wife-beater-wearing, Bud Light swilling, sports-talking fanbase?

Yeah fuck that arthouse shit it made me feel something. Why isn't his character a mechanic anymore? I FEAR CHANGE AND EMOTION.

These are the types of fans he gained with his art house nonsense. Bring Back Lucky Louie and ditch this Ingmar Bergman shit.

It's like he's developing? His show was never just him sitting there saying retard and cunt; in the first two seasons there were still skits and some were bad but the show was at least funny, not a boring twenty minutes of black and white saxophone horseshit.

I like the show. It's one of the better things out there right now.

It might be an OK show but it has never really made me laugh.

You can get all the laughter you need from Opie and Jimmy.

It's not as good as it could be, but people are hilarious when they let a minor annoyance ruin something completely for them. I often wonder if they actually feel that way or are just being faggoty little trolls.

Im sorry sweetness. The minor annoyance was I assumed Louie was doing a comedy show. When was the last time you got a really good chuckle from the show? The one with the fat girl? Parker Posey saga? You must be one of those dooshes who loves Man Seeking Woman also.

the fat girl episode was the only one I didn't like, but the rest I thought were brilliant examples of camera work and story telling. There are a million comedy shows out there, but there's nothing quite like Louie. You may be more satisfied with Marc Maron's show if it's straight joke set ups your looking for. also a good show. Now it's your turn to contradict me.


When was the last time you got a really good chuckle from the show?

In the most recent one, "did you see those little white babies come out of her juicy black pussy" wasn't bad at all.

What's wrong with Man Seeking Woman? Its at times brilliant. One of the best new comedy shows out there. However, In the name of full disclosure: I do think the title "Man Seeking Woman" sucks so bad, that it might actually be keeping people away from checking out a damn fine show.

You don't like it go watch something more suited to your intelligence like Kroll Show.

What an unfunny heap of shit that is. Good thing that show is over with.

It wasn't even cancelled he just ran out of ideas and told comedy central he's not making it anymore.


I diarrhea'd in the tub

The pinnacle of the series

Jesus some of you fucks are really jaded. Can't appreciate a show that doesn't try to force you to laugh every five seconds. He's made it clear that it's his show, he makes what he wants, and if you don't like it don't watch it. If the creator of a show blatantly tells you to not watch it if you don't like it, you don't have much justification to complain about it.


Louis clearly built his standup from the ground up, from recognising that he stunk and working really really hard and carefully to make sure he got better, while constantly checking to make sure he wasn't just deluding himself.

Louis as a 'filmmaker' really needs to do the same. He makes his series like somebody who's never had any doubt that he's great at writing and directing for the screen. His show has some great moments but it's packed with painful self indulgence and Indie movie cliches. I love arthouse film too, I'm not some dick asking for him to do a live action Family guy ripoff. If he wants to film something that isn't a straight comedy I'm all for it. It's just, he's not even a great arthouse director. The Indie movie NY Jazz soundtrack, the Woody Allen titles, it's just all first year film school stuff.

I also hate his, 'who gives a fuck?' answer to things that don't hang together well in his show. Was his mother a self involved bitch or was she nice? What's with the race of his daughter's mother? Did he always have siblings? I hate that he answers with a dismissal that the series is not supposed to carry on from episode to episode (aside from when it very clearly is) and his 'fuck you, I like it' attitude to anyone who questions this stuff. Claiming internal consistency in a character driven series is some bullshit nitpicky thing is ridiculous and I'm sure if Louis saw a standup performing a deeply flawed act and dismissing critics with a, 'fuck you if you don't like it' he'd call that standup a self indulgent moron. Which is why he's a better standup comic than filmmaker.

It's actually pretty consistent with his standup, and with standup in general. How many times has he said at the beginning of a story he's telling on stage that a detail "doesn't matter because I'm lying" and it got a laugh, because comedy crowds are conditioned to hear "this is a true story, folks!" The events in his show are made up too obviously. Your complaint makes about as much sense as complaining that the continuity is lacking between a standup story last week and the one he's telling tonight. It is a minor thing, that really doesn't matter, and griping this much about it sounds a lot like ocd.

I don't see anything wrong with taking the approach that the exact set of variables in one episode can change slightly in the next. It's almost like each one takes place in a slightly different alternate universe. Sort of like how Tarantino's universes all differ slightly from the real one, and from each other, despite some of them being linked.



The emperor has no clothes!

I think you really see someone's intelligence level when they shoot back at you for not liking this nonsense because it's "too deep for you, man." Haha, really? THIS freshman level art school bullshit is deep and profound to you? AND you're talking down to people who hate it because you think they don't get it? Hahaha go ride your bicycle through your ghetto loft, hipster.

I dropped this show during the last season. It was SO unfunny. That episode with the fat girl was just stomach churning. I don't know what happened to Louis, I don't care much either considering I always thought he was a little overrated, but he doesn't even go for jokes anymore.


I stopped watching last season too. The hurricane/flood episode was the last straw. What the fuck WAS that?

The problem with louis ck is that he thinks he is smart and that he is an artist, but he just parrots the typical lib line on most issues and does stupid avantenguard crap that a five year old could dream up and pretend its special.

He's a real LIBTARD, right?

Yeah, he's a regular Obummer BUM!

For real, though, all these tough conservatives wearing their souls on their sleeves is exhausting.

I'm not a conservative, I'm just tired of having the same political agenda packaged and sold to me as if its some meaningful insight. I'm also tired of "different for the sake of different" being mistaken as talent and creativity.

The same people that like Louis CK are the same people that like Fight Club. Dull thinkers with low expectations.

That's fine, but constant crying about the "liberal" media and everything else is fucking tiresome. If you don't like it, you don't like it, but not everything is liberal agenda and hipsterism. MAAAAANNNN.

Remember how Louis said the 4th season was going to be completely different from the first 3? What happened to that? It's just more of the same.

The pinnacle of the series

That's fine, but constant crying about the "liberal" media and everything else is fucking tiresome. If you don't like it, you don't like it, but not everything is liberal agenda and hipsterism. MAAAAANNNN.