What happens to the Doggy Company when Howie decides to pull the plug?

0  2015-03-21 by ironkojak

As much as I find him mildly as entertaining as Mike Francetti, listening to them play his rants is hysterical. Ant did himself proud with the Ari thing earlier this week. If Sirius closes the door on some of this stuff I foresee Opie couldn't get a gig on Dancing with the Stars...


They'll air reruns of the show. so, exactly nothing will change

What did Ant say about Howard/Ari?

He thought it was hysterical. The attacks both ways and then Ari's final comments about Howard mentioning him on the air. Ari did a piece on how to use a computer for the old guy...

Nothing will happen. Who the fuck is listening to Howard in 2014?

His second contract was a 400 million dollar bomb. Nobody gives a fuck and the only reason he isn't fired is that they don't want to cop to investors how much of a "pranking" the last 5 years has been. No other channel with quality programming as planned. Stern is on a less than 3 show a week schedule for 100s of millions of dollars. He is dying in media, everything he promotes bombs. He cares more about AGT but he dropped the ratings on that shit show by 25 percent. The show is an unfunny bore when it is around with long form interviews that are so terrible they have got to be channel changers. Fucking ponderous, man. He talked to Madonna for like 90 minutes and pimped it for a week. What an antiquated bore!

Even Stern knows the gig is up because he is not leaving a dollar on the table. The show is buried with so many early breaks, live reads and commercials that they are never announced any more because Stern and his merry gaggle of idiots are starting to feel too much like whores.

According to the fan boys on /r/howardstern it will go out of business in weeks after 15 million subs get cancelled over him leaving. Then Howard will go on the to do something even more revolutionary and successful that will become the new standard in broadcasting.

Nothing. They will move on with out him.

I Don't think Howard is going to leave. At least his name.... They'll have the reruns but Howard and his team will look for talent they can showcase and maybe an appearance from him every once in awhile.