How despicable is Gregg Opie Hughes for riding the coattails of Anthony Cumia and Patrice O'neal in re-runs and flash-backs?

9  2015-03-20 by albusb

Got a rental today that had XM in it and listened to "Opie Radio" for the 1st time since Ant got canned.

Of course the show sucked, and then Sam's show sucked, -but it got real interesting once they started in with the Anthony Cumia and the Patrice "Flashbacks".

So, sure Opie. Go Ahead and throw Anthony under the bus, sit on your hands and do NOTHING while he gets fired. -Then take your fat deal and get some of that blood money, and when you find out your show sucks and you can't keep it on the tracks without Anthony, just lean back and survive on replays.

Just fucking despicable... No words can describe the amount of Butthurt that Gregg Opie Hughes has caused me today. I just became a Social Justice Warrior with a cause.

I think all of you know where I'm coming from when I say: "AIDS."


*shrug* I enjoy hearing Patrice and Anthony on the radio again. It's not my job to worry about loyalties and friendships like some little clucky hen.

What's that you hen?

Shh not when I'm henning out.

Cluckity cluck

What are you clucking about now?



So you've been fucked in the ass so much that you can now prolapse your ass?

Ant got canned

yah wuts he a sardine or sumptin

Torpid sloth, SHIT-DICK!

When you were stewing about this, at what point did you realize you don't have a life?

Look at your posting History. Ugh, -what a mess you are.

Whoa, you're hitting hard. When a whiner on a message board tells me I'm a mess I really take it to heart. Now I have some soul searching to do.

Ugh. Mess.

Say some more phrases from the show, it's exactly the same as actually being funny.

If this is true, you should definitely look into it. Just took a look at your posting History. Ugh. You're another big fat mess!


Opie returned the personalized engraved watch he got from the first Patrice benefit and exchanged it for some shirts at Macy's. Money obsessed cuck.


If this is true, you should definitely look into it. Just took a look at your posting History. Ugh. You're another big fat mess!