Opie is praying for Anthony's downfall

37  2015-03-20 by [deleted]

We're all the same and insecure. There was a time I had strep throat, so Anthony did the show by himself. You think I was at home secretly hoping that he was gonna do okay? Fuck no, man! I was praying that he was gonna fall on his face.

It's our show and I was at home hoping he was gonna bomb when he went solo. Are you kidding me?

Gregg "Opie" Hughes, 2005

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmttVy_hUsI&t=8m45s (8m45s)


His honesty here is actually commendable. Wish he maintained some semblance of it today.

Seriously there was nothing about that clip that made me even slightly upset.

That is just straight up honesty and it actually makes sense and I think most people can relate to that kind of feeling (on a more interesting level than flu shots).

Opie actually made himself vulnerable in a real (and non pandering) way. That makes for such better radio when you are just real.

Hell, that was actually kind of funny of Opie to say. It's at least honest.

Is that the bit?

Wow as I was reading that quote I was just waiting to see a "tss tss" or sumthin. That was very telling. If you asked him know he'd say something like "Do any of you fffffuckin haters know what sarcasm is?". But deep down that may have been the most honest thing he's ever said

You can't breathe, you can't sleep, you can't eat without thinkin about us! Without thinkin about us to the end! We gonna kill you heartless motherfuckers!< (They pray on) My Downfall - Notorious BIG

Why is this downvoted? Does no one remember the douche chill intro The Opster had with "My Downfall" one of the first weeks on air without Anthony? It has to be in that time period because I gave it a few weeks. Opie dedicated this song to his "haters" or something like that and said something like "Biiigggieee Smallls. Reallyyy liking The Biggie lately. How about you, Jim?" Jim: "eeeh, I like him. Got that 1 song of his on my iPod. Listen to it at the gym"

I refuse to dig thru O&J clips but look it up, it's somewhere. First thing on the show too.

google it, google it

I can't blame Opie on this.

I hope for everyone's downfall but mine.


Someone's got to lose so I can be great.

This, I love when sjw think they can fix the world, but blindly hate communism.

What? Shut up.

You can't help everyone and be against communism/socialism

Most SJW's aren't against socialism, unless they're anarchists.

Also, shut up.

He's not just praying. He was involved in the Sirius downfall of Ant. I don't think he realized we aren't gonna let Ant slip away into obscurity if we can help it. He's too funny and too entertaining to fade away.

Anthony really liked that rudder metaphor.

IN all seriousness, I think Ant's immediate success with TACS is one of the big reasons Opie hasn't spoke to or visited Ant since he left. Christ, Look at Opie's obsessive jealousy of Howards success and Opie isn't even on Howards level, but Opie created a monster essentially and now that monster is biting him.

Interesting clip, but Anthony agreed with him. So by that logic Anthony wants O&J to fail.

It's our show and I was at home hoping he was gonna bomb when he went solo.

This makes sense for opie to feel this way when it's opie's show too, but TACS isnt opie's show.

Also TACS is more than just a show, its an experiment with trying do a large scale podcast network. So if TACS fails, opie cant think to himself "Oh if i was there, TACS would've been a success ".

On the other hand, opie isnt trying anything new or unproven. So if O&J fails, anthony COULD reasonably think "Oh if i was there, the show would still be successful".

Opie is a cunt.

He's just mad because Ant's show is taking off while O&J continues the downward spiral


Lol at Anthony's show taking off. You TACS subscribers really have zero self awareness. This show is literally on nobody's radar except TACS subscribers. Stop kidding yourself.

LOL I know, really.

Every person I come across in my job (free lance production work) I chat about comedy poda-casts with. Rogan, Carolla, Burr - these names are on the tips of everyone's tongue. No one has ever said TACS or even knew what the fuck it was when I brought it up.

TACS is a meat-head retired cop, a young, gay jew and a drunken, racist, pedophile in a basement out in Long Island.

Totally. Radio is one of the few jobs where you can make a million dollars a year for working twenty hours a week.

The idea of Opie quitting his XM gig to broadcast from Anthony's basement is as logical as Conan O'Brien quitting his seven figure gig to start a podcast.

It's dumb.

I don't subscribe to TACS, but you gotta give the guy a break. He's done a good job with the shit sandwich he was handed last July. If they move to Manhattan and get more people involved, it might become something legit. If they use Anthony's talent the right way, it could become one of the top podcasts.

Anthony is lazy as shit, are you fucking kidding me? Look at Carolla's output and look at what Anthony does.

Could you ever see ant in a million years having the direction and motivation to do a book and indy film on top of his podcast?

Anthony cruised for too long. Guy is washed up now.

It really is kind of sad when you think about how O and A had a brand for 20 years and neither of them ever did anything outside of the show? not one book, short/feature film (something of their own vision) never a TV show or even a web show? they never even had a decent web site. They are fucking lazy dudes and it shows now. The golden years of O and A are attributed to the power houses like Louie, Patrice, Burr (among others) killing it. If it was always just the needy dope, the tranny loving queer and the drunk pedophile it would have gotten old fast.

Has Anthony had to fire a hole that he himself hired? Ant wouldn't have to because he knows better. Nor does he do a run-of-the-mill radio show from a shipping container. Saying Carolla is in any way better than Anthony is just silly.

I am going to point out why you are incorrect. Carolla is 10 times better, more creative and funnier than Anthony.

  1. This "hole" talk was started by Opie years ago because he is an edgy dude. cool. the hole mannnnn no chicks on the radio! Opie has more women on his show than ever. It's 90's hack jock.

  2. Allison ( who I liked better than Gina) was far form a hole. She use to sign off her news segments with "zip it cunt" I did not mind her one bit - way better than ester ku.

  3. Anthony is a spineless and has zero control over anything. he constantly allows pussy to pull the strings in his life on all accounts. he does not have to hire a hole, a hole just drops off her suitcase and sets up shop - even if Anthony likes it or not. Anthony will use his show simply to get laid, bring any dumb cunt on that he thinks it might help him get his giant, old, dick in. Does he give a fuck if the listeners have to suffer? Danny Go lightly ring a bell? This is by far much worse than Carolla simply hiring a female on his show with chops.

  4. Carolla is not a spineless zilch who fears confrontation at every turn. Anthony's tough guy persona with his beer and guns is so fucking funny when the pussy man can't even make a phone call to a former co-worker or a friend.

and 5, fucking 5. Anthony does do a very run-of-the-mill show for hacky 90's jocks. Edgy man, cool. And he is in A FUCKING BASEMENT. Carolla's podcast is the most downloaded in the nation, I just heard him run an ad for NBC the other day. Anthony sells dick creams.

You are so silly, knuckle head, to think Anthony is anywhere near Carolla's level.

I like how you gave Stinky the pass. He really is the most innocent and normal of the 4 in the TACS crew. And he's a big sweetie that deserves kisses and hugs from kittens and puppies

Stinky is a god among men and goes back to the WNEW days.

I have no clue how The Rat-Jew (sounds like a batman villain) has more of a voice on TACS thans stinky does.

Ant has no balls. Keith runs the ship

Perfect description.

Everyone acts like this is the 2nd coming of the comedy christ. Ant will fizzel out into obscurity and be floated along by his 5,000 fans who pay him 7 bucks a month to hear LFTC. which is still a decent (very decent) living for ant but its not the XM millions he was used to ( no more 30 k black jack bets)

So Ant is already on the same footing as Opie Raqio then...

Not bad, will be fun to watch TACS grow and see it evolve, something that won't happen with your "Opester".

Haha, you think I'm defending Opie. Take a look at my post history. I despise Opie. I love Anthony, but his show is not taking off, sorry.

If Greggshells were more like this, my hate for him would probably be a lot less, and the show might be better.

Is this where "steer the ship" originated?


So now you're so caught up in this stupidity that you've completely lost touch with the spirit of the original show?
