Anthony and Patrice do platoon quotes

7  2015-03-20 by redtheftauto


Poor Tits doesn't know what's going on.He probably only watched the movie because everyone else did,but didn't pay any attention to it.

Patrice doing the screaming woman from the village is perfect.

Patrice, Anthony and Jim talking about movies is one of the things I miss most since Patrice's death and the end of the show.

As an agnostic I know this is a sorta silly thing to say but I hope there is a "heaven" or something akin; a weird afterlife, whatever the fuck -- just so Ant and Patrice can get back together one more time, shoot the shit and laugh at the world.

When they were together they were unbeatable. Everyone else could just leave the room. I'd take Ant and Patrice over anything - including Seinfeld (and to me that's saying a lot)

rant over

"If there is a heaven, and God, I hope there is, I know Patrice is up there laughing like a fucking monkey."