If Opie and Jim left with Ant they would be heroes in radio.

51  2015-03-20 by Lilcumia

Oh how I wish they didn't re-sign.


Hoo Hoo resigns. SXM hires Anthony back to do his own show on their channel. For more money. More money than Opie signed for. Ant gets Howard's studio. Angered tits will jiggle angrily.




This would be poetic justice.

I love that movie. "Hell, we black, we ALL family!"

apes not kill apes

if i told you that a flower bloomed in a dark room would you trust it?

No Kenny I wouldn't, and stop fucking with Sherane

This sub would win for most positive, if that happened.


Best Poast evar! Maybe they'll hire Ant back when Opie has exhausted the supply of "flash-backs" and "re-runs" of funny Ant bits.

Idiotic childish fantasy

Maybe! But hell, I'm listening.

That was their opportunity to set themselves apart from Howard and all the other shows.
They could have set it up just like TACS, video, subscription, ect.
The podcast and radio world would look at them like pioneers.

ESPECIALLY after years of.. "We should just start a podcast"

I'm serious, I'm done. Once this contract runs out in (month), I'm GONE!


Radio boy was just saying that as a bullshit negotiating tactic. He feels the same way about podcasts that Howie does and would never subject himself to that kind of life. He made that clear when the O&A podcast he was so happy about turned out to be just a clip show of the SXM broadcast. He created more work for his staff by simultaneously defusing the threat of leaving to do a podcast. Management happy. Opie happy.

Now they both are looked at ascowards

They are set apart. howard is a mega rich celebrity. They are entertainment middle class and lucky to have gotten THAT far.

Such a fine and definitive line. Step on one side you'll be respected, beloved, trusted and probably would have gained way more listeners. Step on the other side, you'll be hated, lose any shred of respect and loyalty you had and drive a once awesome, entertaining show into the ground within months. You stepped on the wrong side, Opie. It's a goddamn shame.

Opie doesn't/didn't wanna do radio with Anthony. This whole thing made opie a happy man,don't see him threatening to not re-sign anymore.

Thing is, it wouldn't have come down to Opie and Jim leaving. If Opie WANTED to he could have sat down with management showed them the polls that were taken (there was at least 3) with all over 90% that Ant should NOT be fired, if Opie had reminded them that Ant has said this kind of shit ON AIR for years and nobody cared, the fact that NOBODY came at Sirius and demanded that Ant get fired or even an apology, that thousands of people were cancelling their subs, yada, yada, yada. I'm almost 100% sure Sirius would have calmed down, realized it's just the Gawker cunts trying to get clicks, and they probably would have just suspended him. The problem is Opie DIDN'T want to do that. Instead, he kept quiet about all of it, nodded his head in agreement and signed that fucking deal. Now, he can be the hole he's always wanted to be, is in love with management and is hated by all. Good call, dipshit.

I still believe he wanted his own show. Like a phoenix in reverse.

He totally did. And now he does. It is the disaster everybody, except Opie, knew it would be. His narcissistic stupidity is beyond the pale.

What a great line

His gold digging wifey wanted a new and bigger apartment so she can continue to bleed him dry.

As a listener since August '04 I agree with absolutely everything in your post!

I'm glad. I'm glad everybody is seeing Opie for what he is. The depth of his repulsive, piggish personality is endless.

Also there would be such a diehard loyalty for having balls ... the fans would be proud of them...... not ashamed of what fucking faggots they are.

Or just refuse to come back on air until Ant's case was not discussed with all parties present. Threaten to just do awful radio on purpose. Anything that showed they had just a bit of dignity left. We get it,they give you money,you rich cunts.

A meeting with Meyers and Greenstein one one side and Opie,Anthony,Jim and their manager who probably made millions of them but couldn't be bothered to come to New York.

Bob Eatman didn't fly to NY when Ant was fired?

that eatman thing prolly is just a bit, if that dude is so awful why did they keep him around for so long

Absolute laziness.

I've thought this over before (because I have no life). Opie and Jim were in a tough situation. If they walked with Anthony, it would have been a very noble and honorable thing to do. Stupid, but noble and honorable. They didn't have the notoriety at the time to become martyrs for free speech, so Opie and Jim opted for the smart, albeit selfish and cowardly option: shut up and keep making money. They both knew their options outside of Sirius did not pay the same, nor were they as cushy (and we know how those two love staying in their comfort zones).

TL;DR version: not a Chip roll.

That's absolutely true. It's amazing that Opie would have been praised on this sub, but instead.....

Opie is a pussy

....he's made a boat load of cash. Too bad for him he's got thin skin and actually cares what people on this sub think about it.

Lynsi would have left Opie, because she loves her 10k a week spending money, and posh Manhattan address, and Jim knows he will never make as much doing stand up.

Gregg Money Bag Hughes and The Paycheck Kid

You cunts would still find a reason to hate the guy.

Thanks for The uploads!

Yes, but we would still listen, now we have no reason to.


opie sucks but i don't blame anyone for any reason for staying at a 20 hour a week job that pays a million plus a year....i mean cmon dude

It would be different if it was your average Joe, but Opie has portrayed this fuck em all badass persona that he wouldn't take any shit from management and then when it's all on the line, he rolls over like a little bitch.

Exfuckingzactly....that is 100% why Opie is such a revolting pos and should crawl away in shame. Fucking poser ass bitch

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

OPie is a faggot



I Honestly wonder if Opie has ever stopped and wondered if he would Still be a multi millionaire Radio Star if it wasn't for Ant?? The sad thing is that Opie is so self absorbed, I honestly believe that Opie has convinced himself that he would Still be as successful as he is now regardless if Ant was there or not.

He would Never even entertain the thought that he would still be spinning records on The Station That Really Rocks!


The fans followed them to XM, the fans would follow them to a podcast. Whatever clout they have is only possessed by them as a complete show.

The fans really didn't follow them to XM. Their audience probably decreased by 90% with the move and then barely grew from year to year with 100% of new listeners being truck drivers. XM completely botched the launch, and was always outpaced by technological advancements.

When I said fans I meant the loyal listeners. The ones that didn't follow them probably just listened to the show because it was on.

i think in unmasked they said the first month they were broadcasting to 10k ppl at most, if u want them u had to sub to the premium package

decreased by 90%? Please post a link to the data proving this, otherwise you are just talking out your ass.

It's weird how they never released their ratings, isn't it?

I am sure they lost some listeners, but 90%? No way!

I'd say they easily lost 90%. They were on FM radio, with literally millions of regular listeners. Even after the SiriusXM merger they've only got 18.5 million subscribers for the entire service. That's a lot, but that's like what the top two radio stations in New York or LA would have combined. Plus, isn't it pretty clear by the ratio of trucker calls to regular listener calls?

I don't think we are speaking about the same thing - I may have misread your original post - I wasn't talking about the change from FM to XM - I was referring to XM to Sirius/XM.

Oh yeah definitely

Am I the only person on this sub that lives in the real world?

Nobody gives two shits if you quit your job. There's always someone who will do the same job for less money.

Look at David Caruso - he quit TV to do movies in the 1990s. When that flopped it took him ten years to get another gig.

They would be heroes to the sliver of people who give a fuck. they would be unemployed middle aged men to the rest of the world.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Apparently Hammond and May refused to film any more Top Gear while Clarkson is suspended. See,that's how easy it is.

They understand loyalty.

It was sad to hear, as time went on, that Opie's true reason for not leaving was his relationship with Ant. They had you believe it was the contract but Opie was happy to get away from Anthony, at least for the time being. Jimmy was put in a no win situation because if he left, he's abandoning Opie. By staying, he's stuck with a lesser show. While TACS is entertaining, neither show compares to what O&A was

First Opie said he fought hard for Abt and threatened to quit if they fired Ant. Then he said "He just wanted to try something new." Then he told Larry King "Of Coutse I Did" in his high lie voice he does when asked if he fought for Anthony. Then he Basically said it was just time to be apart because of the negative shit between them after 20 years. So Opie's excite went from "I fought for Ant" to "After 20 years, we really needed to be away from each other"!

The sad thing is he was to much of a pussy to tell Abt that! He Knew he would get a nice fat raise for re signing, and he knew that Ant had No guarantees of income. I guess Opie decided he didn't owe Ant anything after years of entertaining fans while Opie sat back and collected a paycheck!

The fact is that Opie lies so much that he Literally forgets what he lied about & what lies he told!

I dunno about heroes but greggshells wouldnt be as infamous here on the sub reddit as he is now and wouldn't be known as a gigantic hypocritical piece of two faced shit for ragging on sxm for years but choosing to still work for them on a pathetic hollow shell of a show.

Great idea. Maybe Anthony should have called Opie.

A concerned friend should have called first!


Honestly, I think if Howard doesn't resign (because if I'm not mistaken this is his final year) Sirius XM will scramble and pay Anthony to come back. But then again, Howard will probably re-sign another 5 year deal and be almost 70.

Anthony will never be going back to SXM. As long as the management group that fired him is still there, he's not being rehired.

I believe in his AMA he said he'd absolutely go back if they called to reunite the team.


If they offered him say what he was making before plus a 15% pay increase, he'd be stupid not too. So he probably would.

It's not about Ant accepting a deal. It's that SXM will never offer the deal. Scott Greenstein will not do that, and he certainly wouldnt offer a pay increase.

If Howard walks, Sirius would be desperate. It would be big news that Sirius brought back the Opie and Anthony show. Again, its all just speculative and wishful thinking

I agree. Now the show is "clownshoes" actually it's clownshoes with Velcro straps

But who cares about radio?

Imagine the three of them started a show right when Anthony did and they just bashed the dog shit out of SXM for months and months? Fault him all we want, but they would have to put a muzzle in a free falling Opies mouth if he actually got mad they fired Anthony and not grateful. They would only stop when the cease and desists started to pour in, and even then they would probably just keep on going.

Too bad theyre not friends after all this time. God damned shame.

They were under contract, and one thing I don't get, does anybody ever think about all the people that worked for O&A that would have lost their job if Opie and Jim just got up and left? Or maybe I'm just uneducated, I assume there has to be a lot of people that work to make the show work behind the scenes, and I don't just mean guys like sam and roland. It's a bigger problem than just Opie Anthony and Jim. Don't get me wrong, the new show is the epitome of nothing. It isn't just as simple as some people make it out though.

What does 'Heroes in Radio" even mean? If they all left it'd be more like a swansong for radio. Of course that's a better legacy for them then the fading into obscurity that is going on now for O&J.

Also, you can't fault them for losing their friendship. 20 years is a long time like Ant said. One became a family man, the other remained a nigger-hating manchild that wears a shoulder holster while filming. I'm not saying either is wrong (Well, anthony could calm down on the racism to be honest...) but it just happens, You make friends, and just drift away. It really isn't as nefarious as everyone here likes to make it.

This is one of the few non-irritating things Opie's done. I can't honestly fault him for keeping his high-paying job. If he didn't fight for Anthony, fuck him in his tits. But for actually re-signing, whatever.

The fans really didn't follow them to XM. Their audience probably decreased by 90% with the move and then barely grew from year to year with 100% of new listeners being truck drivers. XM completely botched the launch, and was always outpaced by technological advancements.
