Opie thinks Sherrod should be 3rd Mic

13  2015-03-20 by highflyin


It would be pretty hilarious if Anthony was replaced by a black man though.


I'm 900% sure he would also think Esther Ku would be a great third mic. Or Colin Kane.

Sounds like Opie is trying to make Sherrod 'one of his guys'.

O&J need a 1st mic

I think Opie should jump off the roof of his building.

If I read about how he was locked in an iron maiden and bled to death while Bobo filled it with autistic farts through the eye holes, I wouldn't be upset.

That might even be better. Tie his wife up and make her watch while Jimmy shows her his picture album.

The Spanish inquisition should be in awe of this sub reddit.

Bye bye Race Wars..... And just when I was hoping they'd get a spot on the TACS network....

I wish Opie would just retire

he gets more insufferable by the day

Its no O&A and I know were mocking Opies chemistry, but he does have good chemistry with Sherrod. And with another funny guy to bounce off of for Jimmy, he'll be well improved and closer to his O&A role.

That's because Opie is intimidated by Sherrod and is too nervous to constantly interrupt or ignore him the way he does Jimmy or anyone else who isn't black. This is actually one of the reasons I usually enjoy Sherrod on the show: he's intelligent, keeps up on current events (reads more than just the headline), he isn't intimidated by other guests, he's funny and, most importantly, Opie usually participates less when Sherrod is on the show.

Wont happen. There will never be another 3rd mic, unless you count Sam. SXM will not throw more money at this show.

Correct. Imagine the satisfaction the bean counters had with Ants firing. Money was spent before he was gone.

Is it possible he is trying to shoehorn chemistry into a show?

Sherrod is good in small doses, but he gets really annoying after a while

it's opie. because Race Wars is an awesome podcast.

KM is what makes race wars good. Sherrod is an unfunny, trampling asshole.

I'd love a Jimmy and Small show.

Why would Sherrod wanna throw the brakes on his career though?

Opies fans or what's left of the people he blocked = soccer mom humour.

I think its kinda funny that Paycheck, through his work now, is trapped in a world of shit humour. The people he works with and his fans.

Nothing signed of course, this is the show that will be "figuring things out" until they retire.

This is my first post to reddit. I barely ever tweet but when I did for this one above, I got blocked. Haha. What a douche. This makes me feel that he read it.

Listeners will get to listen to him gasp for air while saying nothing of value for 3 hours a day. Sounds like a good fit.

ME:He's a nig so he could replace Patrice!


2015-03-20 13:13:36 UTC

Hey @OpieRadio when does the paperwork get submitted to make @Sherrod_Small the official 3rd mic? Been awesome this whole week


2015-03-20 14:45:22 UTC

. @gmm71 @Sherrod_Small he'd be a great fit

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black hole

Soder would be way better. Sherrod doesn't do voices

Soder is waaaaay better at playing of Jim. They have a good chemistry. Soder knows and has obscure references so they wouldn't be lost on him. Soder does voices, which if they aren't forced can be really funny. Other than the voices, he doesn't really have a "gimmick". Soder is the one revolving comic (other than the big players that don't show up anymore) that I have not grown sick of.

Sherrod and Jimmy have good chemistry. Sherrod is not funny. Soder and Jimmy have no chemistry. Soder is funny. All bad as a threesome as Opie Stinks. Only hope of redemption is to bring back the dago

I think Soder does have good chemistry with Jim. Maybe I'm just playing the "relative to Gregg" game. I remember he had great chemistry with Ant, but that doesn't matter too much anymore.

Nobody mentioned Florentine in those tweet replies.

That's because Colin Quinn fucked Florentine out of third mic with that comment he made about him being on too much. He was probably tits number one pick before that.

I bet Florentine wants ring Collins neck.

Ok be honest Sherrod fans. Of allll the hours he's been on O and J can you give me one funny line from him?

....there arent any. That's why he's a perfect fit.

that one about black ppl is probably good

Fucking eww, thankfully this is just another one of Opie's lies.

Yeah, The show really needs a second person who chimes in with unfunny useless words because he just likes to hear himself talk.

Also Management would really love it if he were Black.

Screw him and his new talentless fuck buddy Sherrod. No wonder this show keeps getting worse on a daily basis. All dopie does now is steer it closer to a shipwreck.

Whoever they replace Ant with, I wish them the same hate as DeRosa.

No offense to Sherrod because he seems like a funny guy otherwise, but Opie could train a parrot for what Sherrod does on there.



2015-03-20 17:05 UTC

@jsquared85 @OpieRadio @gmm71 thanks Jeff. #SherrodsTwitterArmy #OpieandJimmy #OpieRadio #redeye #RaceWars

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A black man on third mic would be enough to keep them from getting fired, ever

It's the same reason HooHoo has a black woman for 2nd mic

YES, ahhh yesssss, long gasp after laughing YES. Redeye, YES.

Well if he would be third mic that be a sure thing for getting this subreddit to #1 most bigoted on reddit

Great fit, great fit. I'm allllll in on Sherrod!


it's better than nothing. at least it would be progress in one direction or another. my biggest gripe with O&J isn't that it's corny or hacky or anything even though it might be those things. I haven't listened to it enough to really tell anything detailed about it. my problem is that it's that it's fucking BORING and STAGNANT. any change is good.
