/r/opieandanthony was voted the 2nd-most bigoted subreddit on reddit.

242  2015-03-20 by DoctorSauce


good job guys we did it

I think if we try really hard, we can get the top spot next year.

P.S. Niggers, Niggers, Niggers

It's gonna be tough but I think we can do it.

Niggers chinks faggots spicks


Spic nigger kikes spooks

Almost spit coffee when I read 'spooks'.


Hey, that's not nice!!!


When I saw Gran Torino I spit my coffee out at "what are you spooks up to?"

Don't forgot that horribly offensive term 'kracker'. Cuts me deep to be called that.

If only Bill Burr had brought his wife on the show one day, we would've been on top. She's a nigger for those new to the thread.

And an uppity one at that.

Women are so lazy these days they can't even deliver a tiny little baby, they need a doctor to cut them and SCOOP it out.

Most trannys are mentally ill men with mutilated genitals that have retained their man strength and are operating on toxic levels of mass murder suicide pills that can snap at any moment.

I sincerely love this post

Woah dude, you mean most trans men. Tranny is a slur.



Woah dude, you mean Mexicans. Wet back is a slur.

Brush your teeth with a shotgun you doofus

That's terrific.

Most trannys are mentally ill men with mutilated genitals

but that's true

This comment is too supportive and it will fuck up our standing.

Your right we should even it out with a lynching. Anyone got any grape soda we can use as bait?

What bullshit. I have a feeling the Jews are somehow behind this.


It's a conspiracy by Heebie Kikeberger

Jews, they are so lame.


You can't kill six million people with bug spray and you wouldn't do it while being attacked by the world's two superpowers.

That dead-eyed mug of Intern David.

"..black eyes, like a doll's eye."

I recently listened to the show where gets a happy ending massage parlor. So freaking funny that one.


Hopefully DeRosa takes care of them before it's too late.

-Joe DeRosa

God damn Menorah Niggers.

I blame Joe Derosa, and people reposting his notorious anti-zionist "kike rants". That's the only possible explanation.

its a conspirashee the FBI has planted mind controlling robots on this subreddit

I think we should all take a moment to thank Joe "Warsaw Ghetto" DeRosa for this accomplishment.

Joe "several million is a good start" DeRosa should certainly be applauded.

Joe "Kike Killing Commando" DeRosa

It was 6 million, stop trying to inflate the numbers kike.



Coming in here and poisoning my family's dinner with your JEWISH, NIGGER-loving hippy bullshit? Fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah, walk out, asshole, fuckin' Kabbalah reading motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my house.

You see this? It means NOT. WELCOME.

It's my favorite movie, I have all of Derek's lines (before his awakening) memorized and rehearsed.

I bet Elliott Gould went right home and read a big fat fucking kabbalah after that.

Can we just drop this Rodney King thing?

Who wants some dessert...


2nd most bigoted subreddit on reddit? Nigger, please.

No justice, no peace until we're recognized as Number One.

It's what Trayvon would have wanted.

Beating out /r/atheism and falling just shy of /r/TheRedPill

Edit: also for good measure, the thread where I found this.

We're more bigoted than /r/coontown? How is that possible?

I think that subreddit was too small to qualify for the list.

Well we can change that!

Id like to think I'm not racist, but coontown is fucking hilarious.

We're not racist at coontown we just hate niggers :)

I'm not doubting the struggle, just "gibs" and "dindu" are fucking hysterical.


i've never seen that before, and i'm honestly sketched out to make that one of my subs. wow is that bad/hilarious lol.



Ew that thread is full of faggots

Ikr, I hate people that are trying to be PC on the internet. Ugh they digust me so much

We must be the only motherfuckers ever to lose to those red pill virgins at ANYTHING. This is more shameful than the time I was caught eating chili straight from the 7/11 nacho tap.

I picture everyone outside of this sub looking like Velma from Scooby Doo, dudes included.

Who gives a fuck you piece of shit. Die in a fire. Nigger.

I just pm'd this to /u/edify

(He's probably the one that started it anyway)

I blame benjamin.


False Flag!!!



Did you know:

The beatles were secretly niggers

Jaw's wasn't a shark at all but a nigger who wouldn't get out of the water, making the water un sanitary

A nigger fucked a chimp, that's how the holocaust began

An elected official gook walks into a bar.... just kidding


god they are gross looking

That's why Brody wanted to hire James, the nigger hating dolphin, to be his eyes and ears out there.

Jaw is

We came in second place in the "Nice Try on the Hate Tho" competition

I'm not surprised. Any fan base that once embraced a NAZI war criminal like Joe Derosa must be full of bigots.

Is "torpid sloth" considered a slur now?

No, but I think we've underestimated the power of the water buffeler's special interest group.

You faggots couldn't even beat SRS

edit: niggers

If fucking Joe "Gas The Kikes" Derosa didn't post here we wouldn't be this bad

I was once hanging out with this faggot and he was all like "Hey bud, let's go rape and murder some children." I was like, "Sorry dude I only murder niggers and kikes." So we met in the middle and clipped some spic girls clit off. Good times.

What a bunch of bullshit. I'm not going to read the article but I noticed fucking /r/GreatApes or /r/CoonTown were nowhere to be found.

Edit: I skimmed the article and didn't see how bigotry was calculated. I imagine it's a keyword search, which is an indication of nothing.

It's a San Francisco study. Those words immediately contradict each other. I think the 'scientist' is mad people enjoy making cracks at his alternative lifestyle.

That said I support his right to gag on as much moulinyan pisciatil as he wants.

I think to them a scientist is just someone who talks about bikes all the time.

They somehow read the minds of a typical OnA fan. That's the only explanation that makes sense.

My mother is going to be disappointed. I'll have to avoid eye-contact during love making for a while.

2nd best just makes us the #1 losers. Step it up.

Exactly, I blame us being far too soft on Joe DeRosa for this.

I think this is actually one of the least bigoted subreddits. Other folks hate whole groups of people. Blacks, jews, dirty irish. We hate what, 3 dudes? Opie, DeRosa, and whoever has been third mic-ing too much lately.

Second place isn't bad - considering the other subreddits have whole groups to criticize, and a wealth of material to choose from.

We got to second place bashing one person.


Joe Derosa loves nigger cock.

I'm so proud of all you faggot niggers.

Also, Joey "build my pyramids, you filthy kikes" DeRosa deserves some credit as well.


this is hilarious, im laughing in my room like a retard

mom i made it

Started from nothing and now we here.

I've never been more happy about anything in my life.

This is like one thousand crying Joe Derosas.

Women (better known as nature's cum dumpsters) are completely and utterly worthless otherwise. Their value drops exponentially if they are of the minority ilk (nigger, spic, kike, chink etc.) That being said even the worst of them are a hundred times better than Joe "Heeb killer" DeRosa

Now lets not make fun of people

By doing so, we're really just debasing ourselves.


Is this based on keywords? We aren't bigots, we're just using the words in context

Notice how fat tits goes to a call to mess up the vibe.


This sub is only bigoted against people associated with Opie and Jim.

Nice job, you faggots.


Goddamn rich cunts! I kill rich cunts!

Proud of all you miserable fucks.

Fuckin' eh boys, beers on the house.

I just hope my black friends don't see this site when they borrow my phone without asking.

I don't think they're borrowing your phone.

The holocaust literally never happened.

Oh yeah? George W. Bush did the Moon Landing. 9/11 was faked!

Well, SRS is the shittiest sub on all of reddit. So they got that right.

But how is o&a more bigoted than /r/coontown?

Words hurt guys, so lets get fuckin' BUSY. Dvvv Dvvvvv

ME: Nice try with the hate.


Nigger + Nigger = Double Nigger

But what if...

Nigger + Kike = Triple Nigger

fuck aboriginals too!

That's funny because I saw a list similar to this a couple weeks ago and I was totally expecting to see this sub on the list but for some reason it wasn't, yet a few other unsuspecting ones were. Which leads me to believe that list was entirely bullshit. Niggers.

fuck those niggers

Better luck next year

I'mgoingtohellforthis isn't even on there but hockey is. What the fuck? I know there are a lot of white people but c'mon.

Why even post this? This isn't some official study, it's a couple of redditors from san-fran who decided to make a graph on Microsoft word showing how they personally rate subreddits.

Nailed it. They're really upset they can't get reddit admins to shut conservative or right wing subs down so this is their last option, to raise public outrage.

They should have realized their methodology was completely fucked up when /r/hockey landed in the top ten.


Perhaps there has been a spike in bigotry towards narcissistic, man-boobed sloths.

Let's all try to do better next time. Let's bring home that fucking trophy.

/u/anthonycumiashow look what you've done!

Well, from now on when I tell people I mod a sub with the biggest pieces of shit on the internet I have a graph that almost backs that claim up.

If they wanna make a competition out of it lets show them how much nigger, I mean hate we can really spread.


Let's turn it up a notch! We can be number one if you guys stop posting "does opie suck?" every other day. Drop some N bombs, accuse the jews of running the world, say wetback and dirty sanchez all in one post! #faggots

Yahhh this deserves a song.....well the house next door to mines been sold to ni...oh u know the rest

Thank you for your service.

Negrock army bitches 😎

This reminds me of the reddit user who would do searches for "tranny" and then post in that subreddit spoiling Game of Thrones, because that's what transphobic people deserve or something.

"Toxic" ... another dumbass lefty word to describe ideas, expressions and -- somehow worst of all, humor -- that they find offensive.

Time for us to embrace the word. Does an /r/toxic already exist? If not, it should happen.

Double kikes, bitch!

nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger

I'm sorry but, have they never heard of /r/greatapes or /r/coontown?

It beat /r/fatpeoplehate!

Edit: Wait, this list doesn't have /r/fatpeoplehate on it. I suppose having both the O&A subreddit and Fat People Hate would be redundant though.


Fuck I'm disappointed.


You've Got A Gheri Curl

What an honor.

I hope if you guys make it to #1 there will be a lot of glass clinking and going "hey man, we made it."


You guys are in corrigible!

Can you get us out?


ding ding ding

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No we aren't mad you lisping eye rolling clucking hen faggots; we're celebrating.

Fucking second?

Cocksucking kikes robbed us.

We should go beat and kill white people.

We should go beat and kill white people.

Are you trying to drop our rank or something?

I am appealing to the pro-Ferguson crowd...

Plus endearing ourselves to them allows us to use nigger with impunity like they do.

Kill whitey, niggas takin ovah! snipin people and not killing them an sheeit. Yo I bee's in the military an sheeit.

Whas dis round thingy in dis here grenade?

pulls it out

Oh sheeeeit!!!

throws it into a black owned business

I did that shit cuz whitey hates us.

That should get us to number one.

all that opie hate has to amount to sumtin

Who the fuck devotes their time to studying a shitty website?

Someone that has absolutely nothing to do, probably an o&a fan.

You're a cunt, and I hate women. Also I rape nigger babies.

The holocaust never happen.

How embarrassing, what will I tell my black friends?

What horseshit. Unless the metod is only determined on antisemitism and hating on females it doesen't make sense.

Worldnews is filled with anti arab racism on every thread but they are quite low on the list. Ile have to look into this. After an intense 5 minute study of the methodology and consulting my "connections" at Harvarrrrd



Shitredditsays is the worst sub ever. They've got a lot of nerve pointing the finger at others.

Is it because of that burning cross image with Joe Derosa? I can't see how this sub belongs in in such ranks of neckbeardism.

Who did the study, a fuckin WOP???

We did it niggers!

No it was voted the most BigTitted subreddit on reddit because of all the opie pics.

Meh. Seems about right. Lmao, all you dumb fucks calling Bill Burr's wife a nigger is probably what did it.

Honestly we're way more prejudiced than /r/TheRedPill, people just love to hate on them for some reason.

/r/TheRedPill is full of spineless idiots that somehow blame feminism for not getting any pussy. They're morons. At least over here we share the same type of humor. Fuck.

Agreed. Redpill is fucking laughable.

Red pill is nothing but virgin fantasies.

It's actually not. Check it out.

Lmao I have. It's retards high fiving over blatantly untrue stories about getting laid and links to articles about divorce rape that causes them to foam at the mouth With anger.

We're all pieces of garbage here, but in the name of comedy and breaking the spirit of Greg Hughes.

That's men's rights crybabies... as far as the game preached there, it's not invented by the subreddit, it's just a collection of tried and true behaviors, attitudes, and realistic dating perceptions that have gotten men laid for time immemorial.

Aren't they the dudes who like to rub cum on their faces before dates? Alpha pheromones bro, she'll be hooked.

They really are a bunch of humorless nignogs, I was subbed there for a week because I thought it was intriguing at first but then instantly noticed how much faggotry was afoot there.

Its because of all the white knights that post on reddit.


Who gives a shit


What was the first? /r/TACSdiscussion?

Oh, guys, wait a second. If you count bigotry against Opie then we should be number one, let alone second.

I think this is #1 since its top 2 in both categories. In any case /r/opieandanthony wins MOST WELL ROUNDED HATE :)

Hey, we're a close second with 1/10th the posters of the Red Pill.






More so than:

/r/GreatApes ?

/r/stormfront ?

/r/fatpeoplehate ?

I don't think so.

Those places get no traffic. Stop trying to ruin this moment dumb nigger cunt

You don't think so? /r/stormfront is literally posts about weather and storms.

Ah forgot about that. Some people swooped up the subreddit so that the real stormfront couldn't claim it.

All I'm saying is that there are plenty of biggoted subs, I grabbed 3 examples off the top of my head.





fawk yeah MOOOOON CRICKETS tsss


Hi all!

Thank you all so much for your sincere interest in our Reddit Toxicity study! Due to the overwhelming response to our study, the Idibon Data Science team will be doing an AMA today at 4 PT from Reddit HQ - where we’ll be taking questions on the study and machine learning/natural language processing generally. Come join us!

Thank you!


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It's a San Francisco study. Those words immediately contradict each other. I think the 'scientist' is mad people enjoy making cracks at his alternative lifestyle.

That said I support his right to gag on as much moulinyan pisciatil as he wants.

They somehow read the minds of a typical OnA fan. That's the only explanation that makes sense.