Ants shot at O and J?

33  2015-03-20 by Lilcumia


Ant : We'll get back to you, we're not going sit here you watch you apply those things (tattoos).

Bobo: Alright

Ant: Although that would be jus EXCITING. Uhh but no. Maybe you could go on O and J and do that.

(Bobo and Ant share a chuckle)


For someone who might be the whiniest douche ever, he sure does avoid pretty much anything said on ants show. Can you imagine the radio gold if they brought it to an all out radio war? Although i feel itd be much like germany and poland, you decide whos who.

Note how this was the first thing TACS and Ron and Fez did, because it is fun and the hosts like each other.

We all know who Germany is in this analogy

A war would be a fitting end to it all. Much better than 'we just drifted apart'.

Germany was attacked first. Just saying. Google bloody Sunday.

not sure if serious, but bloody sunday (the one in 1939) happened after invasion of poland began you dolt.

Germans in that corridor were being attacked, long before september, faggot / jew. Do you think it just happened out of the blue on the 3rd and 4th? Derosa level nonsense.

I did notice ant said "nice try with the hate tho" with just a lil taste of sarcasm. Maybe he just reads this sub too much

Not a shot. If that was the case, Jimmy shoots Ant all the time. Calling him a drunk and other shit. But it's just fun.

I think it was a shot, but not meant to be mean or malicious. More like a teasing shot to his old friends... like "hey, you guys are pretty lame and boring now."

I didn't think it was a shot, I thought it was more of a "annoy someone else with your boring bit" kind of comment.

Me too, I didn't sense anything nefarious.

"The man is (giggle) nefarious." Imgur

Nice try on the hate though.

ME: Ughhhhhhhh AIDS. (in the Twitter voice)

(Bobo and Ant share a chuckle) hahah!

Opie got snubbed by Bobo -I'll cherish THAT shit forever.

I like the idea that Ant's show is a lot better. Sit in a chair, drink, whine about liberals and blacks. Super entertaining.

You are right...on paper (or on the computer screen) it doesn't make sense that TACS would be better given your accurate description. But, in reality, it is a much better show than O&J.

MUCH. You never feel the uncontrollable need to bash in your computer, you don't get goose bumps (i.e. DOUCHE chills) no need to scream,"STFU you cunt of a human" at your computer and I've never felt my stomach twist due to the stupid unnecessary comments, insincerity, phoniness and dishonesty of the host. I would go as far to say TACS is a much healthier show to listen to.

Ant should joctober O&J, I bet jelly tits would rage and have an aneurysm.

ME: Ughhhhhhhh AIDS. (in the Twitter voice)