I never really thought Aziz Ansari was very funny

39  2015-03-20 by pissinurbutt

After watching his special at Madison Square Gardens, I am 100% sure he isn't funny


Does he have any more Kanye West stories? Those are riveting.

He's a comic who got tremendously successful yet I've never met a single person who likes him.

Tremendously successful with hipster faggots.

He is an entertainer, that is all. He is not a comedian, he also lucked out by having good writers on parks and rec to make him seem funnier. Listened to some of his stuff on comedy central radio and it just sounds like a 12 year old girl babbling about Jayz. Because he literally has a bit about him being friends with Jayz that is the definition of cringe.

He's good on Parks and Rec. Seen one stand up special of his that was meh.

Didn't see someone already posted this, before I said the same thing. Don't I feel like a copying Kathy

C'mere you! Let me tussle your hair!

I thought he jumped the shark when he burned that Jordanian pilot alive.

Not a good career move.

I went to Chipotle the other day and on the to-go paper bag there was a comedic bit of Aziz's written on the side. It was how about how he was buying the world's best toothbrush and how he had to go on-line and look at Amazon reviews for it. He found one guy who was giving 5 star reviews to everything and began to question his validity.

Needless, to say it was HIGH-LARIOUS! Who doesn't love long-winded alt comic bits written on restaurant bags?

love them almost as much as long-winded critiques on said bits

Reddit seems to love the direction of my critiques. Nice try with the hate tho.

What's that?

He's just one of those sand niggers that uses his own third worldness to get away with racy jokes. He's a hack

Hahahahaha....well, there you have it!

Like Russell Peters? Who I actually like, not his act necessarily, but he was cool in studio.

I despise Russell Peters

I only liked him in observe and report. Fuck you Ronny!

Good movie too. Darker than I expected which was great

Puts Paul Blart to shame and I believe they came out the same year

Yeah, why didn't Paul Blart the children's movie, have lots of edgy humor and violence.

Not sure who is worse Aziz or Russell #tho

Russell Brand's too busy trying to be Che Guevara rather then saying funny things.

I meant Russell Peters but Russell Brand is terrible as well

yeah man but isnt, like, politics super fucked and like we should do something else or sth? i dunno lol

(add thesaurus to Russel-Brandify this statement)

But isn't, perhaps, the political sphere deeply problematic such that radical change is both desirable and necessary?

Holy shit, put this in front of a Russell Brand photo with a serious looking Times New Roman-style font and be prepared to have the most upvoted post of all time on r/quotesporn

YES...don't like him either. I'm also trying to understand why everybody thinks Brian Regan is so funny. I'm gonna try again today to see if I can get it

Regan - I don't have an opinion, never listened to any of his stand up but Mike Birbiglia - I'm sorry he is intolerable

He is one of those guys who gets by on personality instead of material. Dane cook and Kevin hart's of the world.

But all those guys seem to hurt themselves by coming out with a special a year. Shit ain't gonna be as strong.

If jimmy did a special every 3 years we'd all be way more impressed by him.

I just watched that the other night and thought the same exact thing. He is funny in Parks and Rec when he plays a character, but his stand-up is awful.

I concur.

todd pettingale > aziz

I enjoyed him at first but it's like with Dane Cook "Oh this shtick again."

I turned off his stand up, but I loved him on Parks and Rec. Well, I loved everything on Parks and Rec.



I like him, but I doubt anybody over 40 would get 90% of his material.

And women like him.

I'm a broad, don't like him. His "jokes"l was so juvenile children would get his material, and even they wouldn't laugh.

Human Giant was Ok, I don't care for his stand up though

He was good as Tom on Parks and Rec....

I love him on Parks & Rec.. but I did watch his new MSG special and it was very dull. The crowd was NOT into it, they should have pumped it up a bit in post.

I can admit this amongst friends.. I too, don't find his stuff funny. I'm guessing like.. 10% of his material is something I laugh at. Another 10% might be amusing.. after that, nothing.

I've heard him on radio and podcasts and never got it. Heard some of his standup on Raw Dog too. No interest in watching a special of his.

Maybe I need to be 23 and live with 5 roommates in Brooklyn to get it.

Aziz, aka, the Indian version of Michael Cera (dot, not feather).

Ahhh...yet I DO like Cera...

I enjoyed the RAAAAAAAANDY character and the beef Aziz manufactured between Kanye and his cousin Darwish.

I haven't seen the MSG special, so he might legitimately suck now, though I will also point out that almost every comic comes off like a douchebag at MSG.

There are comedians who do what they do to be funny, and there are comedians who do what they do to be famous. Aziz is the latter.

He's a comedy actor.. that's all he's good for.

Saw him live. It was painful.

Fuck you pissinurbutt

Hmmm...if you say so. Brilliant execution, btw.

All this hate.

I mean he's not amazing. I only saw one special. He seemed decent enough though. Sure, nothing close to all the guys we love from the show, but still good enough.

The Sensual moments or whatever special was funny. He's funny on Park and Rec. The MSG special sucked. I don't know what to make of him. I think he's funny, but not even close to deserving the superstar status he has.

He just isn't telling enough tranny or shotgun jokes for and autist like yourself. You're the lowest common denominator. And that goes for the rest of you fucks too.



You misspelled 'an'.

aziz isn't exactly highbrow either. also lol at the idea that we like jim's stand-up here.



You misspelled 'an'.

aziz isn't exactly highbrow either. also lol at the idea that we like jim's stand-up here.