Opie falls apart during a lie about fighting in a cab.

2  2015-03-20 by oskimon


True version of this story: Opie took a bus one time.

He always admits to some smaller thing to make the big lie seem more plausible. Notice how the driver would have killed him, he even says it twice so it must be the truth. "I'll admit it," as if a man being larger than another man is the unrealistic aspect of this shit story. Or it's such a hit on his character to admit that another man could beat him up. If he actually feels that way about men being able to beat him up, he's even larger of a douche than we could've thought. Who the fuck cares if a bigger guy could beat them up?

Or how he was caught fucking that lady in the bathroom by the hairs on his legs. See, because he was caught it must be true then. Or how he worked for the mob but admits he never had the balls to ask what anything was. Or how he admits he liked the Loveline(s) show and said hi to Drew when he got into a fight with Adam Carolla. Must have been Adam because of course Op was just being a gentleman, specifically not a delusional sociopath.

I bet he had a normal, loving mother. Enough of this guy and his lies. I'm gonna go even farther, brace yourselves.....he's a fartknocker