Tough Crowd Stand Up with Colin Quinn, Jimmy, Giraldo, Patrice, and Vos

1  2015-03-20 by Nightkrawler49


I remember this, good shit.

Hard to imagine a time when the network wanted to get behind TC.

CC really did treat it like shit for the most part. Cancelling it because they were afraid it's views would conflict with those of The Daily Show is an absolute travesty.

Do you have a source for that statement of why CC cancelled TC?

He's not full of shit, I remember seeing something a few years ago about how it was cancelled because the views expressed didn't mesh with the demographic.

I remember it well because the concept of a demographic being politicized disgusted me, but then again, I'm a stupid faggot.

That is fucked. So the thought process is : We want to capture the young adults demo. The young adult demo typically leans left. Let's throw a bunch of money at 2 extreme left shows that will be on everyday and cancel the more moderate show that has a huge diversity in opinion and comedy.

Even though some of their segments were undeniably funny, I think the agenda that CR and DS pushed really fucked up a generation of kids/young adults political thought process. It indoctrinated them into a liberal or gtfo type of thinking . Anything not left is racist, sexist, homo phobic, anything phobic, redneck, stupid or hateful in their minds.

that's what made me irate about when that shitbag brother wease was in studio and said that young liberal kids AREN'T led by the media but conservatives ARE because there are more conservative talk shows. as if the entire comedy industry and almost all modern American satire DON'T function on a "left = the cool side but you already know that" paradigm and as if that doesn't have a PROFOUND impression on young people.

Read This Interview

Colin and a few of the other regulars make it pretty clear that the main reason it got cancelled was that the shows take on politics interfered with those of The Daily Show and the networks.

I also remember on the last episode Keith Robinson saying "We should go over to The Daily Show and whoop Jon Stewart's ass!"

Tough Crowd is a fun watch, but considering it's spot eventually went to the Colbert Report, it's not even a question of if Tough Crowd should have been cancelled. Anybody thinking otherwise is kinda deluded. It was a very disorganized and cramped show, and Collin Quiinn honestly wasn't a very good host. The Colbert Report on the other hand was legendary. A cultural phenomenon that legit changed this country. Tough Crowd, on the other hand...

Tough Crowd at the end of the day was like an abridged version of O&A. If anything it might be a case for why Opie had a use on O&A, with the whole "steering the ship" thing which Collin couldn't really do.

I love CQ, but I hate the way he's dressed as a Dance Mom for this gig!