"A lot of white boys listened to Run DMC back in the day, A LOT of white boys".....

13  2015-03-18 by pissinurbutt

Really...?? Fucking REALLY?? STFU....STFU....STFU


I can't help myself from actually vocalizing "SHADDAPP!!!" when Opie says stupid shit like this.

That's why I can't listen to a full show, I get a sore throat from yelling STFU

Same, but also with frequent 'Did ya's' whenever he tries pull the "spuds can relate" card

An interjection like that is a side-note at best. It doesn't require a dramatic reiteration followed by adjusting of the paper papers on the desk and a pretentious sip of water.

Ew did he really say that

Yeah, it was a stop what I was doing and stare at my computer in horror moment.

yah i bet she was a real ni-ice hooror or sumptin

Course he really said that, it's right HERE. Imgur Has that man even filed for his copy of Tougher Than Leather yet?

ME:"Jim Norton texted me goin 'hey DMC wants to come in, and I'm like ehhhhhhhh"

Jim:"...And he just texted me, Daryl is in town, he wants to come in, do you mind if he texts you! Who would say no to that?"


He's not wrong though!

he's wrong for existing

I don't know what you're talking about. Opie is a world class interviewer. For example talking to Cannavale about Boardwalk and the amazing acting that went into his character's psychopathy:

"Where does that come from exactly, that you can just be so ....... GOOD." (gritties up the final word for effect)

That's insight, ladies and gentlemen.

I agree, everybody wants to bash opie but most people when they think run dmc, just think of them as one of the first gigantic widely popular rap groups, they wouldn't assume that to be that popular you'd have to be loved by many white people, it's not obvious shit

Well, wasn't Run DMC popular back then?

This is the cutest comment ever :D

Whats your point?

I guess it would be that Opie's faggotry knows no bounds.

Stating the obvious to set yourself up to expand upon it is one thing. Stating the obvious like it is poignant insight is our Opester.


Youse a buncha white boyz right?
