
1  2015-03-18 by Dannyprecise

Did anyone else notice the glaring similarities between Opie and Todd, during the segment where they were going over ERock's interview with Meatball? Did anyone notice how quiet and uncomfortable Greggshells seemed? How he didn't say a word; and when he did, it was just to intro the next clip? I don't have proof of this; you assholes will just have to take my word for it.


The whole interview I was thinking how much Erock was getting off on hearing these Todd/Meatball stories.

Poor Erock gets called Slobbo while that cocksniffer Opie makes 15$ a shitty Slobbo mug.

That interview was like porn to E-Rock.

Opie KNOWS its just a matter of time before someone on staff quits or gets fired and talks about Op the way Metaballs talked about todd

I hope you're right

Quits? And goes where? There are no other radio jobs that pay what they're getting to produce Opie's Vanity Hour

I've felt for a long time that Sam is doing the same thing he did for scorch, lick his ass, do everything he wants him to, all while collecting a bunch of great dirt to spill if he ever gets away from him in he business
