Paul Walker Jokes 'Upset' Ludacris At Justin Bieber's Comedy Central Roast. They won't televise the jokes.

42  2015-03-18 by Lilcumia


Its sad. Its a fucking roast. Everyone knows, or at least they should know that roasts can and probably will be brutal. Fuck Comedy Central for not airing the jokes. Self-righteous twats

This is what happens when you get people on there who are neither comedians nor friends of the people being roasted.

Comedy Central has turned into Liberal Faggot Comedy Central - all you need to do is see how they've turned Workaholics into a LGBT rights show and then Broad City the definition of feminist slut culture, how they canceled Jeselnik Offensive, and how they promote feminism and socialism nonstop.

Jeselnik Offensive was cancelled because it went from 1.2 million viewers in season 1, to <500,000 in middle of Season 2.

Or you know...liberals....and feminism...

Why did it lose viewers? I'm sure it had nothing to do with the political slant of the show... just like how The Daily Show, MSNBC and CNN haven't been losing viewers en masse over the last few years because of the shows' politics or non-stop propaganda, no!...(sarc)

MSNBC has ABYSMAL ratings and is actually overhauling the station to be less biased. Can't speak for CNN and Jon Stewart thought.

Yeah I'm sure if it had the same content as that terrible W Kamau Bell show then it would have had the same push and support from Comedy Central - same with Broad City coming out of nowhere with those F-level comedians.

Don't you know that most of the people on here are 18-14 year old liberal (AKA Communists in modernity, not classical liberals) kids who have never experienced life outside of their parents' basements? Most of them are incapable of thinking in any way other than how their Marxist college professors brainwashed them and conditioned them to think. You're constantly down-voted because you write statements that are true, which modern liberals can't deal with because of their naivety or the cognitive dissonance the true statements engender.

Ya 18-24 yr olds don't give a shit about Marxism. We don't even vote. Btw, why do you rope feminism and LGBT rights, and Marxism all into one?

"Btw, why do you rope feminism and LGBT rights, and Marxism all into one?"

If you have to ask, then you don't understand Cultural Marxism.

If you're egging me on, I bought it.

hmm..i might need to listen to jeselnik. heard of him, never watched him.

He's hilarious. See his roast appearances on youtube and torrent the Offensive.

I'm not being sarcastic.

I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that the majority of the posters on here are 18-24 year olds who love shows such as the Daily Show, and think that everything Jon Stewart says is the truth. I'd bet a lot of money that most of the commenters here have never studied Communism or have any clue what Cultural Marxism is. Just watch how any comment gets down-voted if it talks about how feminists and the LGBT community are really getting out of control with their demands, or how black people act like savage, violent animals.

Basically, if you post any Anthony-like opinion, it'll get down-voted real quick because "that's racist or ignorant or sexist or ____phobic, mannnnnn."

O women and the LGBT community want the same rights as everyone else? Ya what a demand! And blacks ARE savage animals! You guys are fucking jerks

They don't want equal rights, they want more than equal rights. It hasn't been about equal rights for a few decades now. It's now about trying to dominate and oppress men, especially straight, white, Christian men. You know, the evil, blue-eyed, honkey, cracker, white devils.

Women and minorities have more special privileges than heterosexual white males do nowadays in the US. That's just a fact, there's no debate about it anymore. It's not about equality for everyone anymore, it's about trying to make YT pay for what his ancestors did in the past.

The US is in the middle of a culture war, and the leftists - whether you want to call them fascists or communists, you still end up with the same end results - are the ones who are waging it. They are trying demonize any thought or behavior that doesn't toe their agenda. And I'm apolitical, I despise both the right and the left. I don't even vote. But it's clear that modern liberals are the ones pushing all their LGBT, feminist, political correctness nonsense on everyone.

That's great to hear, just making sure. Yes, I know it's why my opinions aren't popular on reddit but for a few random subs.

That's bc most people on reddit aren't ignorant jerks.

Your opinions aren't popular on here because most of the people on here are young kids who have never really been in the real world. As people get older, they experience more, hopefully gain some knowledge and education, then usually start to drift away from Marxist ideas if they have any intelligence and the ability to reason.

"B-b-b-b-ut capitalism and white males are evil, and racism and white privilege and rape culture and micro-aggressions and homophobia and racism and more racism and blahblahblah" are the only responses offered by modern libs (Marxists) to the truth.

Real meeting of the minds here.

"yeah, maannnnnnn"

Why should they have to bring undue negative attention to their network over Justin Beiber's desperate attempt at cultural relevance? It's not like there's actual integrity on the line here. Hannibal Buress summed up how cynical and calculated the whole roast was.

Yea however to cut jokes because a guy driving like a shit head and kills himself is silly. Jokes are jokes, offensive or not.

Paul Walker wasn't driving when he was killed.

You do know that Paul Walker wasn't driving the car, right?

It was being driven by a professional driver, on the way to a charity fundraiser.

These dumb roasts cut jokes all the time. I don't know why people are surprised or upset. This whole thing is Justin Bieber's sad and cynical attempt at cultural relevance not some comic's road tested hour special.

say cultural relevance again

I disagree. Justin Bieber is attempting to be socially pertinent.

Cultural relevance.

But what kind of attempt was it? Happy, or...?

Extremely happy.

what's sad is that people like you still don't realize these things are done for publicity. This tactic was first discovered with superbowl ads. You get people talking about something, oh my I can't believe they can't air that! Wonder how bad it was! I gotta go to comedy central website to see the uncut version surrounded by pop up ads along with 3 video ads during the show so I can see what was so naughty they couldn't show on TV! Come on seriously, this tactic is exhausted and people still aren't on to it? So, the people who were responsible for editing the show to fit the time slot just "leaked" that they already knew they'd be cutting this joke because it was too offensive? Are people really this gullible?

Gee I wonder why people are going to the internet for content and overall no one is watching TV. Things got a little too crazy at the Bieber roast though, I understand! Comedy Central is the absolute worst and it makes me sad that comedians still are reliant on them. These roasts are so embarrassing and forced. The channels content is so archaic and backward that it blows my mind that anyone would still watch this censored watered down garbage in 2015. Fuck them.

Apparently Jeff Ross said-

"Move bitch, get out of the way!’ is what Paul Walker should’ve told that tree. Too soon? Too fast? Too furious?"

That's a great joke, and Comedy Central are a bunch of fags for editing that one. Also, Ludacris is a white woman now, wtf happened to him?

There was another one from SNL comic Pete Davidson

And then Pete Davidson made another.

“Just this past year, Justin got arrested for drag racing. Unfortunately, it wasn’t with Paul Walker. What? He’s doing great! He’s got a movie coming out!” he joked to the crowd.

That's some funny stuff.

That is hot fire.

One of the jokes was similar to Amy Shumer's when Ryan Dunn died. Double standard nigga. Either that or jackass lives don't matter.

Or people learned from Amy's example when she caught absolute hell for that joke.


to be fair it's one of the highest rated shows anyone's ever gotten on that station, but yea she's a cabbage patch faced cunt.

or they dont care about either of that and the people making the decisions are a bunch of ruffle no feathers bureaucrats

The fuck are you talking about?

Years back at the Pamela Anderson roast, Ross, with Courtney Love right behind him said, "How is it possible that Courtney Love looks worse than Kurt Cobain."

That woman had a better sense of humor about her dead husband than this talentless shitbag had about some actor he probably knew casually.

To be fair, she killed him.

This ^


Standards and Practices still calls the shots for these roasts. Also some of the people who appear on the panel complain to Comedy Central and get jokes edited out or they refuse to come back and do other things for the channel. I remember at the Roast of Bob Saget some jokes got pulled that were about the Olsen Twins and people said that Bob Saget had the jokes pulled. He only half-admitted to that. Also he, himself, said that he had some jokes of his edited out for being anti-semitic even though he is Jewish. This shit happens during every roast that is on Comedy Central. They say that they edit it for time but they really just remove the jokes that the panel tells them to/that Standards and Practices tells them to.

You must work in show business

It's not work when you love what you do.

Yes it is. It's still work

Apparently it's also not sarcasm when you're talking to autistic people...

Ahh yes, over text it's so easy to hear the tone of sarcasm. autism eh?

If you really think I'm in this sub and genuinely saying "it's not work when you love what you do" you are autistic.

For example I am able to tell that when typing "Ahh yes, over text it's so easy to hear the tone of sarcasm" You were employing sarcasm there and like an autistic person you ruined the entire point you were trying to make by accidentally doing that since I was able to pick up on it.

Paul Walker? more like Paul Drivehimselfintoatree, or sumthin.

Fuckin home run conchopeterpumper tssss

Both those jokes were hilarious. I guess if someone was joking about my dead friend, I would feel differently but I wouldn't be so LUDICROUS to keep people who aren't me from hearing those jokes.

tsss fawk yea good one sock cocka

Fawk yeah! Tsss they said chippuh, we'll give you 3 million dollars to roast beebs and I was like whatevs but they cut my fuckin appearance because I was too fuckin crazy. I was like hey lutefisk, what are you a fish or sumptin? what you live in the ocean or sumptin? Tsss where's your best friend walker Paul? Tsss what's he melted into the pavement or sumptin? Tsss Everybody was fuckin crack in up!


Tss Justin Beiber? Wadabout jusCOPPA Beiber or sumptin? Tss hey Luda if Ya don't like the Pauly Walkster stuff I guess we'll just do jokes about Paul Runner! Double guns Ya cocksuckaz

Fucking ludicrous. What's that adage? "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."?

I wouldn't expect many rappers to have the greatest sense of humor.

Good to get a bunch of them crammed onto a roast of Justin Beiber though

If only patrice were still alive to be disappeared by his boy Luda one last time.

The only thing that would have made this pathetic attempt of a roast worth watching.

wahhhhh, go braid your hair you pickaninny

Over a year later, Paul Walker is once again a hot subject.

I'd be offended if I was a friend or relative of any of the countless dead people that have been made fun of on those shows. I guess Walker is more important than them.

Seriously. Greg Giraldo made a Kurt Cobain joke to Courtney Love's face and they left that in. And it was hilarious.

Jeff Ross.

i haven't seen a "roast" in probably 10 years. none of this shit that comes out is in the spirit of the true thing. they just saw a way to make money.

so fuck that. I'd rather see people that actually know a guy roast him. It's supposed to be a special event that few people get to have.

Big surprise...this is what roasts have become, and why I haven't watched one in forever.

The rep statement is great, “Sometimes the line is discovered by crossing it.” So, why not air the jokes??



He's a groid, his bidding must be law.


If he doesn't like it he shouldn't watch it. It's not like editing it out is going to make him forget that those jokes were told.

same thing happened to Anthony Jeselnik with the charlie sheen roast when he called Charlie Sheens mom "some dumb cunt".

Anthony really kept these shit celeb driven roasts a lot after giraldo died, he came with great jokes, without him, who's there to even make good jokes about all the shitty guests?


We're off our game because the show has sucked so badly.

Fucking rappers have got to be the least funny people on the planet. Drape some more shiny shit around your neck and keep pretending your an adult "Luda".

What a little child, ugh...

What a little piece of filth.


I thought you didn't like little black boys Uncle Paul?

GREAT jokes.

Fuck Paul Walker for co-signing on the insane driving.

Fuck Ryan Dunn for being habitually wasted behind the wheel.

Fuck Ludacris and Steve-O for getting pissy about these jokes AT A ROAST.

And while we're at it, fuck everyone else. Here's hoping Owlman destroys Earth-Prime.

Peace and love!

Upvote for Owlman and Earth-Prime. Unexpected, haha

My favorite DC movie. Woods nailed that role!

Did you expect anything else from a channel run by a woman?

Aint it the same channel that puts out South Park.

They have a contract with south park. They don't create it. Matt and Trey purposely put the show out so late making it almost impossible to change anything that cc wouldn't like

Of course comedy should be edgy blah blah blah, but these jokes are awful. You can tell Comedy Central uses joke writers for these lameass roasts because every set sounds the same.

Kurt Metzger is a shit writer? lololol okay child. Tell that to any working comic and watch them laugh in your face.

There are plenty of comics who think Comedy Central's roasts are hack shit. Including some guy named Patrice O'Neal

Nah they were funny.

I disagree. Justin Bieber is attempting to be socially pertinent.

To be fair, she killed him.

Cultural relevance.