The bag of shit Opie should fund the whole Patrice Doco.

2  2015-03-18 by snoopkhat

The tight cunt made a career out of using guys like Patrice ,CK ,Ant etc,the least he could do would be to throw 250 grand at the project.

In fact,he should get a professional outfit to make the documentary and fuck these amateurs off.His bitch spends 250grand a year on maids and nannies for fucks sake.


Sounds like a gold dig to me. I would not give a dime to this op. Where's all the benefit money?

I hope its going to his mother and sister

It was funny when Von hinted they shell out and they was no real response to it but fuuuuuuck that. I don't trust women editing any of this genius' work.

Fuck a Doc. Go to youtube and listen to every O n A appearance

He should sell his breastmilk too.

Fuck that, he's profited enough off other people's talent. Ant should do it.

I wonder if Ant had given any money to a black charity?

I really dont see what thia doc is gonna be about. .. hookers in brazil?

You have somehow thought of a completely unfair and invalid criticism of Opie.

At least a quarter of them on here are unfair and invalid. There's so much good shit to criticize him for and people still get overzealous and still grasp at straws.