Here comes Ope O' da day.. Ope O' da day

4  2015-03-16 by nolasen

After having a whole break to think it up: Opester- "Ah, The Police. You like the Police Sherrod?"

After a polite placation by Sherrod, The Opester continues- "Haha. Set you up nice!"


haha see, we got that chemistry!

Ooh! (Insert jagoff's face from his promo pic for the failed tbs prank show atrocity here). He had a painful one real early in the show that was "chemistry" related. I almost picked it. At the moment I can't remember it. I would have to look it back up.

Watch what you say about Corporate Cunt. His zealous fans will be sure to jump down your throat and call you names. Listen to this fuck:

ABD120 3 days ago +Mike Z Seriously get a fucking life will you. What kind of sad and pathetic little nobody seeks out a new channel to listen to and comment upon the show they loathe so much. You really are a fucking tragic and overwhelmingly weird psycho stalker.

Oh no ONAfan2014, you're not just weird, you're overwhelmingly weird because nothing makes an insult like adding hyperbolic and unnecessary adjectives to your insults

Holy shit, why doesn't anyone call this douche out on this crap? He did NOT "set up" Sharrod's mildly funny joke. In fact, it took an inordinately long time for Opie to laugh in acknowledgement of it. This delusional prick's fooling no one; he doesn't get an "assist". He never has ever earned one. What's even more egregious here is that he is ostensibly trying to STEAL adulation for humor.

Set it up niceeeeeee.

I'm going to have to take a tally of all the worst Destroyerisms and just make a daily post of them. I'll be selective, 3-5 per day. I enjoy the one's that I feel encapsulate his personality and it's effect on those around him.

And even if he does "set someone up nice", which he DID NOT, or NEVER HAS, you're not supposed to say that you did