Lady Di drew this, proving she has more talent than Opie.

64  2015-03-16 by Chip--Chipperson


Di is a sweetie. yes she is a disgusting alcoholic bloated leach who will die soon, but this warms my heart all the same.

She has a nice signature. Love how Opie looks like the woman he is.

He's wearing a blouse.


That's because she's drawing "The Monkees"

the best part....

He looks like David Bowie in 1970

Opie looks like Diane Sawyer

Jimmy looks like Nasferatu

Sam looks like Sam



I had Opie as Martha Stewart.

I think Opie looks like what Lady Di wished-she/used-to look like.

Opie looks more like April O'Neal from the Ninja Turtles cartoons. That being said, it's a good drawing. I like it.

Norton should hire her to be the head animator for his little character cartoon he wants to do... this way, when it ends up not getting picked up anywhere he can just blame it all on Di and Opie can go to Lady Di on the phones a million more times in the weeks that follow for some great radio talking about "Wahhhappen?"

Oh fuck me man. Don't start making me feel like Lady Di is a nice human being. I can't get attached to this wreckage.

Agreed. When I heard she changed into sleep clothes at the hotel that had Tweety Bird and the word "Huggable" on it, I wanted to cry and menstruate out of my dick. I hate the idea of feeling sorry for her self-inflicted wounds.

That's the heartbreaking thing about addiction - they're human beings, and they're allowing a substance to destroy them.

I don't hate Di - but I don't know Di. The real one, the one that's hidden away behind the drinking. I never will. And it's sad, the odds are nobody ever will.

I'm not a fan of Artie, but I feel for him, and his completely lack of control over his addiction and demons.

But, there's nothing I can do about it, but feel sad - and hate what they've become.

Can you fags actually shut the fuck up wih the gay shit?

She's a bloated, semi-retarded, shameless alcoholic who shits and farts for a radio show. Don't wax poetic about how you feel emotional now because she can draw. How unbecoming of an adult male.

Yeah, I don't get horrified by the existential brutality of wilfully allowing a substance to erode everything you are. I'm not 8.

You know what warms my heart? That are hate for Opie has even made us appreciate and like Lady Di. That's a staggering amount of hate.

As a cartoon, this really isn't all that bad... most adults draw like children, meaning even worse than this.

The excellent cursive just demonstrates what a waste of life she became.

She forgot fat tits' tits

Your proper grammar makes me very, very happy.

Looks like Opie and Jim will be coughing up for the rent Adrian is trying to get paid for Lady Di.

Won't be that long before they are Coffin up too. I'm just chippin' ya TSSSS

The chicken-scratch of a drunk with one foot in the grave. It does look pretty good though.

there's oatmeal next to Opie, but what is that next to Sam?

Strangely accurate. Jimmy's eyes actually make him look like Jimmy.


kathie lee gifford really wouldn't be much more of a hole than spuds

Norton should have her draw the art for his next album.

Why does Opie look like a bitch?

They look like 1970s Hanna Barbera cartoons, or Yellow Submarine or some shit.

She really does just live in the past. I never told anybody this (Opie voice here, I know I sound fucking shitty and gross) but hearing her actually made me quit drinking completely in 2013. Her life is about the worst life a human being in America can have.

Opie's a cunt

At least Di is honest. Opie hasn't known an honest day in his life. Cunt

Id take a signed $25 sunset photo any day over this shit

sarcastic response taken literally

That's what they always say after a car crash.