Patrices' girl Von to be on O and J Tuesday according to her/his twitter.

2  2015-03-16 by Lilcumia

But what to expect from the interview? Fawning over Patrice and plugs for her music.


You say "fawning over Patrice" as if that's a bad thing. I hope you're not one of these obnoxious contrarians that have been popping up on here.

Anyways I'm certain she's going to announce Patrice's "Better Than You" documentary.

I find it interesting that anyone who is critical of Patrice is considered an "obnoxious contrarian". The pro-Patrice circlejerking around here is just embarrassing.

You really are a fucking moron aren't ya?

Something about this seems opportunistic and a bit redundant. Don't get me wrong I love Patrice but what use is his girlfriend gonna be on a edgy comedy radio show.

Her going on an edgy comedy show would be weird... Good thing she's going on O&J.

Them talking about Patrice is better than the horseshit they do

expect all the Patrice nuthuggers to downvote you any second now

Watch out we got a rebel!

Patrice's talent was greatly exaggerated after his death. Although he was my favorite comedian on O+A, he really wasn't this brilliant, almighty god of comedy that everyone made him out to be.

Or maybe you are an idolater.

Patrice was funny. But his lionization after death has been too extreme.

Wicked vocab brah.

How many words did you have to google? j/k

Home run

She is in TACS as well

Isn't she doing Ant's show too?

Such a good girl

How much more money does she think she can wring from his bloated corpse?

Probably going on to promote another benefit gig to pay for her next shopping trip.

Sad but true.... God do I miss Patrice.

I think she's a shallow dumbass. We try to support her, as a way of showing respect to Patrice, but everything she has done since his death has convinced me she's a classless retard who scored big by getting Patrice in her life.


Its harsh... but its true.

I used to be a Von Supporter until recently when you guys changed my opinion on her. When she went on O&A right after Patrice died crying because she didn't get all of Patrice's things, she said that her and Patrice were about to get married as soon as he had time off.

Now I think Really? All he talked about is all the different girls he's fucking and all the girls he brings home for him and Avon to fuck together, and going to a Swingers Club and Von sucking other strangers dicks. Does that sound like a girl you want to put a ring on her finger and take her home to meet mom? You can't turn a Ho into a housewife!

HoldonHoldonHoldon when/what did patrice say about her blowing other people?

It was a few years ago. Pateice was talking about Fucking other girls and someone asked him if Von gets jealous, and Patrice said that him and Von go to swinger clubs because if he gets to fuck strange girls then he can't be jealous of Von hooking up with strange guys.

He then proceeded to tell a story about fucking a girl in a swingers club and he looked over and Von was sucking some dudes dick! He said he wanted to be jealous but he couldn't because he was doing the same shit.

it might not be your thing, but I assure you that people that swing do indeed get married....

It's a scientific fact that human beings aren't monogamous. Any attempt to ignore this fact is idealistic, puritanical and idiotic. In marriage or a long term relationship you're either just gonna be miserable and bored and/ or repressing the fact that you want to fuck other people and patrice dealt with this logically and honestly.

ETERNALFORMS I forgot to make my point which is Open Rationships are fine if that's what so Eone wants to do, I don't judge. And I don't know about you but even if I wanted to have an open relationship with my wife or GF, sure as hell doesn't mean I want to kiss her on the lips after she comes home from going to a swingers party after sucking off 3 or 4 strangers!

The swinger party is definitely an extreme end of that and not for everybody. However its silly to judge patrice or von for it. It takes a lot of courage for a man to admit what he said ...especially in a judgemental puritanical place such as america.

I understand what you're saying and just to be clear, I'm not a prude. When I was 19 or 20, a buddy and I hooked up with these two slutty High School Whores. We were 25 minutes from our house and we were afraid if we waited that long they would lose interest.

I was born and raised way out in the country so I devised a master plan, so we took them to a cemetery out in the middle of corn & soybean fields and I discovered they don't lock the door on Mausoleums. So we took them in the mausoleum building and i did some damage to her when I pulled out my trusty Inflatable Poo-Jabber! After that, we started taking random skanks there regularly.

These boys today are fucking Sissies! They're more worried about making sure their skinny jeans are skin tight enough to think of a creative place to hump sluts, or by the looks of them, Guys.

It's funny on the "GoFundMe" page that it says she was Patrice's fiancee for 10 years.

I felt bad for her.... Then she started using Patrice's twitter....

I think she comes off as desperate using Patrice's old Twitter to plug herself!(I heard she does this). I guess if you are a nobody with not a lot of followers, you can use your beloved ex boyfriend's Twitter with his cult following to announce your next photo shoot or song and video that nobody cares about. Depending on what your profession is this week.

I disagree with most of the guys downing Von for this or that reason

I'd say, as a whole, she's what you would expect of a woman whose lost her love, she can't replace him and imo she hasn't abused his name at all.

As Patrice would say 'Shes a girl! What do you expect?!'

