Adrian shows Lady Di a good time

9  2015-03-16 by GRIZx


I got angry when I saw the "Opie Radio" manhole cover

Why? He's just a gritty, battle-tested New York guy. Can you imagine the interaction he had with the graphic-designer who produced that manhole-spot? More likely Opie "created" it himself using some hack Mac multimedia application, much like this video obviously was. Enough with all this shitty royalty-free music bed bullshit.

Thats odd. Opie has 323,322 twitter followers. The video as of now has 591 views.

Ponytail Ronnie is going to be pissed

Hahaha. Well, according to Bill he is gay. So, he may not mind.

She seriously looks like she's dying. My God

This video made me tear up. Such stunning romantics.

Adrian is on his way to GOAT status with this bit.

This is what it must have felt like to watch Rebel Without a Cause in '55. To see a young man take it to the next level is a privilege and an honor.

At 3:44 you can hear lady Di shitting

At 2:47 you can see that Lady Di is Balding

At 4:22 you can see me giving a fuck.

tsss tssss at uh.... at two thirty ya better go the dentist DVVV DVVVVV

2 Things: Where the hell did Di get a nice North Face Jacket? They don't exactly donate those to goodwill.

And 2nd, Adrian better be careful! Opie created a monster with this kid, because everyone love him now. If Adrian gets any more popular, I can honestly see Opie pulling back the reigns a little bit. No way in hell would Opie let an intern get more attention than the boss.

How does she not get that she's a fucking monster? My hat is off to Adrian though, he's one of the few members of the staff that actually want to make the show good.

The effort was there. But the bit went nowhere in grand O&J style. Lady Di is a dry well.

I don't listen to o&j, can someone explain to me what the hell this is, why the hell opie would think it's entertaining

I don 't either, but this reeks of Sam.

Yeah it does.

I don't listen o&a, can someone explain to me what the hell this is


This hacky shit has nothing to do with O&A.

Not the same. This Vacadrian shit is a lame attempt at cashing in on an old bit.

By Opie and Jim. It's got nothing to do with Anthony or the old show.

I'm very on board with the O&J show hate, but the VacAdrian bit was great in a sea of shitty radio. Adrian has set up a page to donate directly to her landlord. Which will just keep the status quo if it raises more than the current $120 Is there no charities for homeless drunks we can fob her off with.

This was extremely uninteresting. I woulda thought there would be some kinda hijinks that would ensue but really they just spent a night at a hotel and nothing note-worthy happened. Great radio.

Another crazy thing. Did Di shampoo her hair with motor oil? Also, I didn't realize before that Di is basically bald with a thin layer of long hair on top.

It is really horrendous.

And he still managed to miss out the funniest bit, when she was trying to open the hotel room door.

I'm going to miss that trainwreck someday soon

Adrian is doing Gods work. Lady Di is actually a very sweet person with s good heart. She doesn't want to be lonely and there's nothin wrong with that. I hope there is a special place in hell for Opie and all you other jerks who are so mean and hurtful for no reason. Does it really bring you joy to be so cruel?

Listen Marion, SHES A FUCKING ALCOHOLIC... she can fix her problems easily, by checking her ass into rehab. She can be the nicest person in the world but shes a burden on her friends and family and our tax dollars.