AHHahahahaha...the part about Opie and the WOW bit...classic!

21  2015-03-15 by pissinurbutt


I don't think we need to read any of Chauncey's shitty SteppinOut articles.

That dude lives in Howard's dick hole.

Man, and I thought Steve was dead.

Love the "giraffe necked lesbian" pic

I'm all for hating Opie now, but this whole revisionist history thing is getting old.

The email from the old PD, this article. I'm not gonna look back on shit that was bullshit and now believe it because Opie sucks now. This article was bullshit and that email was bullshit.

Opie sucked then too, and this article is probably accurate.

Once a jealous, throw people close to you under a bus, pathological liar.....ALWAYS a jealous, throw people close to you under a bus, pathological liar. Proof is in the pudding. Opie will never change, nor does he think he needs to.


How many more times are faggots like this are going to post this article like no one has ever seen it before.

One more apparently. How did you know I was a faggot? You must have gay-dar

we can smell our own.


I've never seen it before, you queer fag