Still following Patrice O'Neal on twitter...

17  2015-03-14 by Chodapopp

Patrice's girlfriend/wife/fiance still uses it to promote her fledgling music career by retweeting her own tweets to Patrice's followers.

Anyone else think this is shameless?


Stop following, I doubt he'll mind.

Yeah, it's a little dodgy. Hopefully she's not using the Patrice O'Neal benefit money to buy recording equipment.

she probably couldn't get the recording equipment into the city, so i kind of doubt that.


I'm pretty sure Jimmy said that.

Typical gold digging attention seeking whore. I wouldn't be surprised if she dragged his dead body across NY and let people take a picture with Patrice for like a dollar a pop. "Here, take a picture with my dead husband! Place your dick on his head, whatever you like! Only 1 dollar!"

I think there's a reason why he referred to her as "bitch".

She's really just a girl who Patrice got stuck with, due to having a kid.

I think the kid deserves some benefit $, and maybe Patrice's real family.

Pretty disappointing to see her abusing his legacy like that.

That's not patrikys kid. She had it with some other dude.

Holy fuck, I didn't even know that...

Why is she getting ANYTHING?!

do you really think that many of his friends would continue to do this for them if they didn't think it's what he would have wanted?

The dude frequently made trips to South America to fuck prostitutes... You really think this is what he wanted? Just because they happened to be together at the time he died? They never got married, and I doubt they'd be married if Patrice were around today.

She's using a dead man's twitter handle to further her own career. What part of that would he be OK with?

The Brazil stories came up a lot but they were really old news even early on, Patrice only went to Brazil once after he got with Von and he took her with him and that was really early on.

Because you're a dumb autist.


if anyone listened to the Black Phillip show, you could tell he really loved Von, you guys are way too on edge in this sub.

Yeah, it's fucking lame.

I'm pretty sure Jimmy said that.