Jim Norton...

23  2015-03-14 by Hahrrgis

Funny or not, my opinion on the guy has degraded a lot. I know this isn't what you're all thinking around here, but I feel like the question should be raised:

Why defend him when he is complicit with everything Opie does?

You might be saying, "Because I like him," and I like him too! I enjoy his characters (when they're not over-done), and he's quick as fuck when he has another comedian to bounce off of. However, this doesn't cover up the glaring contrast to his past self.

He blocks people who openly criticize the show, even though he knows it's nowhere near the quality it once was. His pay was raised, so of course he complains about the company less. Wouldn't take issue with that if he hadn't ever complained about his job, but all three of them used to bitch about SXM on a daily basis. For years.

Now, his on-air persona has taken on an almost neutered feeling. What's holding him back from being as honest as he once was? Those extra digits on the paycheck? I still find Jim funny, but what the fuck happened to him? How did he transform into this pampered, overly-opinionated sidekick we see today?



Ultimately Jimmy does whatever is best for his career/financial situation. He talks about free speech and not censoring anybody but then he had Gavin kept off the show because of his relationship with Vice because Jimmy didn't want the guys at Vice to get upset with him. Well, it doesn't look like that did him any good because he still didn't get his dumb talk show picked back up but when he thought it could help his career he had no problem blocking somebody from speaking on his airwaves. That was a bitch move but it shows that his principles aren't as important as his checking account. There is no problem in that if he wasn't so vocally against that sort of behavior (especially during his rants about "money-grubbing" hollywood people).

He has no principles he's literally a cocksucker sycophant

Define sycophant. Not for me, of course, but for the others on this sub who may not.

Yea the Gavin thing really made me rethink how much I like Norton. He is definitely talented in the right context, but that doesn't make him a great person.

Jimmy is as responsible as Opie for all that went down. (Obviously. Ant instigated!). He did not defend Ant, did not go to bat for him and history will judge him unkindly. With all this said he can redeem himself in the next contract by abandoning Slotho Raqio

I would be pretty surprised if he didn't re-sign. He still gets free plugs for his stand up gigs in the middle of interviews. Plus this is probably the most he's ever been paid in his life. Not sure what would entice him to leave at this point, other than a better paying gig.

If all his true fans eventually stop listening, plugging gigs to nobody will be ineffective.

I don't know that SXM will renew them when their contracts are up. The show is shit. It doesn't really have much heat so it's not a "brand" show anymore. SXM can plug any two hack jocks into their time-slot at reduced salaries and they wouldn't miss a beat sub wise. They may be one and done.

I would be pretty shocked if they were renewed if they were it will probably be for much less money. Howard won.

Actually I would guess they will get renewed. With the uncertainty of Howard they are going to want as much as on air personality as possible to stave off the exodus of subscribers in case Stern actually leaves.

You will theoretically see Opie, Ellis, or even Jenny McCarthy opening on channel 100 that first day, that day would actually be a good indicator as to how the company really feels about the hosts other than Stern, because they will shove someone in his spot to try and keep listeners.

ME: Management says they are happy with the new direction of the show

Sad but true

I"m your dream mind astray, I'm your eyes while you're away, I'm your pain while you repay, you know it's sad but true.. sad but true


i think since Jimmy has always been scared of management and they barely acknowledged his existence, there wasn't really an opportunity for him to make that kind of argument or stance or whatever. Ultimately, it was Gregg's call and for sure Jimmy would have stood by that. But Gregg didn't make that call. He talked with management, made whatever fucked up deal that benefited him and passed it on to Jimmy. Jim has said after the firing he only talked to management once. That once had to have been to sign whatever deal Opie made. Jimmy did and has stuck up for Ant WAY more than Opie ever has. Jim's just a scared little baby.

Getting old, just wants to make sure he can afford a nice place and hookers and not fizzle out and be broke. Can't really blame the lad

Do you enjoy the product he is producing now? My only "blame" is this argument that he doesn't suck now.

All valid points, but according to some users around here he's already a millionaire.

Your point...?

He won't go broke overnight.

It's this simple. His flaws are the same dumb shit he's always carried, but you can tell he's much less happy going through the morning show motions now than he used to be because there's comparatively no professional pride in the content he's a part of, and there's no clear career evolution to chase afterward (especially not based on current performance).

I don't listen to the show anymore because of Opie, not Jimmy. I gave it a shot for the first few weeks. I'm not gona let millionaires squabbling affect what I find funny or not. I'm a fan of mostly everything Jim does. Unlike a lot of people here I liked his standup and Vice show. Also unlike a lot of people here I like almost everything Burr does. These are 2 funny mother fuckers who have to make buisness decisions most of us would never understand. And Jimmy has always been a crumudgeon when it comes to criticizing him or just in general. And he's always been complicit with Opie, he's his boss. There was that 1 fight they had like a decade ago but that's about it when it comes to Jim rocking the boat the Opster steers.

TLDR: Jimmy has always been like this. It's just a different environment with only Oqie and no Ant. Jim hasn't changed much, it's just 1/3 of the show is missing.


Fear is what's holding him back but honestly after re-signing he stopped being who he was. He chose money over loyalty. His choice to make but he's a different comic because of it.

I always thought Jimmy was pretty good during interviews. What bugs me now is he lets Mantits run wild with his shitty, awkward, looking to go viral questions. Jim - WTF?

I've said here many times over the years and been downvoted to oblivion - the guy's an attention whore.

Let's call a spade a spade (Moors and all) Ant was the show - Jimmy was good for going back and forth with Ant, but any decent comic could fill that part. Of course Opie was nothing more than a doorstop.

I never thought he added much to the show.
Despite everything I enjoyed Opie & Anthony a lot more when Jimmy was out.

That's why shows with guest comedians are so great, Norton always derail the show with the same 3 tranny hooker jokes

It's an unpopular opinion, but I totally agree. When Jim was out, it forced O&A to actually work.


The door is wide open for him to dominate the show and he's just staying in first gear, he could turn Opie into the Fez of the show if he wanted.

unlikely, although when he was steering the ship on the Nopie show, he left a lot of room for the funny to happen.


$ Jimmy loves the BMW "truck" Heard he's getting a chin implant too.

Money will make you change or be silent on a lot of your views

He is not almost neutered he is definitely a neutered fucking bitch.

He's always been morbidly afraid of being unemployed...and bedbugs.

Jimmy used to not care about furthering his career. He seemed more then happy shooting the shit on the radio, and doing gigs at night. The man seemed content. Then he watched his close friends like Louis CK, and Amy Schummer start having gigantic careers. I think Jimmy thinks he can get that big now too.

Yes, that sounds right. Especially since he's so obviously jealous and resentful when he talks about everyone making it big except for him.

Jimmy is the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen

Fat-titted self depricating Norton was great back a few years ago, I noticed as soon as Jimmy lost the weight he lost a big part of his comedy.

I think that has a lot to do with it, when I was a fat fuck I was the life of the party and now that I am a human being I am much quieter and reserved. Lil Jimmy lost some of his funny because he doesn't hate himself as much.

He doesn't stink, he's not staggeringly dumb, and he didn't spend the last four years threatening to quit.

He's not staggeringly dumb? I think that's up for debate.

His opinion on the Middle East is literally "I'm sick of hearing about that shitty region, we should just bomb them and get it over with."

That's a pretty xenophobic world view, also makes him look like a mental midget. If you can't see how much the guy pontificates and uses false outrage to fill time on the radio, I don't know what to tell you.


I don't want to hate Norton. I hope he redeems himself.

i honestly think he re-signed not just for the money but because he's a good friend to opie. he knows that leaving ant by himself to do a show isn't going to humiliate anthony the same way it would opie. if he left opie without a cohost and an entire fanbase that hates him he'd have been a worse friend to opie than he really was to anthony. i said opie 4 times.

You tend to complain less about your boss if they fire one of your best friends.

Of course Jimmy's not his old/best self - would you be if you had to be alone in a room with cement lunch bag liar 20 hours a week? All these years, Opie has been the shitty daily inevitability within an otherwise sweet ass gig. Most people have experienced this, just on a smaller, less awesome scale. Opie would've made a great Civil Servant - "I'm dead wood but they can't fire me". Jim and Ant had each other to focus on to survive it every day, and now that Jim has to endure it alone, he's shutting down. Also, both Ant and Jim know all too well that upsetting Opie only makes him a thousand times worse - it's easier to just tolerate him, and that's way harder to do alone. Opie truly is his mother's son, only more functional and more zeros in the bank.

If opie is getting bashed, pontificating jimmy deserves some shade thrown his way as well.

He was worse back then. He often fell into a Jim Florentine voice to get his point across, which made him more unbearable.

So you don't want anyone to defend Jimmy?

I don't think Jimmy cares if anyone critical of him. Why should he give two fucks what an anonymous piece of shit tells him? Or if they praise him? He's said it before, if you have your name out there and you are talking shit about something then he has more respect then the anonymous faggots who spew nothing but garbage and hate at him, but at the show or on the streets you're the same faggot who is praising him asking for his autographs.

I genuinely enjoy reading all opinions on the matter, so by all means defend the guy.

I have been blocked by Jim from both my "anonymous" account and my personal one. I don't think he really cares about people being anonymous or not, it's just a convenient way for him to write off 90% of internet opinion as "anonymous faggots".

Dude...he's still an angry little boy. Why do you think he explodes with rage when he sees something in someone else that he hates about himself?

I always find it strange that he keeps trashing the mememe thing when he prolly is the king of mememe

So tell me the truth. Did you tweet something that anyone would of blocked you over or just Jimmy?

Just general criticisms about the new direction of the show.

Only started sending him stuff like this after he blocked me.


Because Jimmy made me laugh for years. Opie has nothing.

Did you even get to the next paragraph before responding?

I LIKE the guy. I don't like how much he's changed.

Some of you are acting like he's still as funny on O&J, IMO he's not.

At least not funny enough to cover up his inadequacies as a host now.

You're out of your mind. Up until maybe 2011 he was this angsty, angry, fake conservative trying to get ant's approval. He's grown a lot since then. Still has a shit opinion every once in a while but he's improved a lot. Seriously one of the most brilliant radio minds around.

I"m your dream mind astray, I'm your eyes while you're away, I'm your pain while you repay, you know it's sad but true.. sad but true