Someone needs to tell Gavin McInnes how to pronounce "Cumia"

0  2015-03-13 by LouieBeanz

He keeps saying, "Koo-ME-uh", which rhymes with Mumia, and that is just terrible.


Also while we are on the subject, I just read Mein Kamph and find myself agreeing with nearly everything.

Except the spelling.

I'm sure your feedback is appreciated Nana.

I'm not a grandmother; I'm actually a man.

That's the correct pronunciation.

Oh I say "Cumia" like "Come here" like "oh come here sweetie give nana a kiss now" oh goodness me!



I had always presumed he was just doing it deliberately, to get back at Ant for pronouncing it McGuinness instead of McInnes.

... then I saw a Gavin video with him talking to his dad about how their grandparents changed their name from McGuinness to McInnes when they moved to Scotland from Ireland. So now I'm wondering if Gavin prefers it pronounced like that, like some sort of Black Earl slave name.

So, in conclusion, fuck knows.