Here's caller Kevin. The guy who thinks only white people can be racist while saying he hates white people. Notice how no one in studio calls him out. This call needed Ant.

0  2015-03-12 by Lilcumia



Kevin looks eerily similar to Bill Clinton.

Timestamp around 41:00

That was the dumbest fucking caller in the history of radio. That call killed whatever brain cells I had left. Fuck that retarded asshole Kevin.

I'm not even going to listen to that, You already conveyed enough for me to know that I'll have a goddamn aneurysm. as for the boys, i personally think that one of the terms for resigning was that they had to dumb down the show.

Who cares? Not every opinion you disagree with need to be forcefully debated.

What killed the show was when Ant decided that because he has a mic in front of him or twitter followers that he needed to address every guns / race / apology story in the news.

The nigger said he hated white people but only white people can be racist.