Do you think Anthony made an audible yelp while being punched in the face?

0  2015-03-12 by [deleted]


I like ant as much as anyone. But he's definitely at least kind of a puss. He probably teared up.

I agree. I think he was at least a little pissy-eyed. (Is that how you spell pissy?)

At least?

I think it was more of a "&$;;_;" than a yelp.

Back off. This ain't your subreddit.

I wouldn't be surprised if he even cried a little afterwards.

His life flashing before his eyes, taking him back to when he would shower with his father and the water was running off his dick onto young Ant's face.

Do you think he shouted out "nigger!" at her. I wouldn't have thought so but judging by his tweet he did.

I doubt it. It was his jerk store moment.

Goddamnit, I was going to post this.

He probably said "oh boy" and then turned quickly to thinking about whether he should blow her fucking head off or not.

He was probably choked up and confused then segwayed quickly into racial hatred.


Yes, but you would to if you just knowingly contracted HIV/AIDS from an African hooker.

I don't think he was punched in the face.

Yeah he made it up just to have a reason to go on a twitter rant.

I don't think he made the whole thing up, just grossly exaggerated the violence.

That giant pock mark on the tip of his nose is begging for a couple of stiff jabs. Great photo!

If this proves something to you that's fine for you. It doesn't for me.

It proves you're stupid.
I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet.

I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet

Verily, I shall tread lightly next time I'm on K1bbler's turf!

If anyone is the fat guy behind the keyboard it's you. Exhibit A

You said:

I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet.

There is no greater proof on earth that you are who you are!

You are definitely projecting.

Of course not! I merely noticed you said:

I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet.

with total sincerity. Only a person like you would think that was a really cool, snappy insult.

If you read that as an insult you really are stupid only furthering my point.

That's how:

I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet

was intended by you. I realize that after you hit save on it and took a nice big self-satisfied hit off your e-cig you were feeling pretty good, but now you have that sinking feeling of realizing that you said a lame thing. But you're just going to have to deal with it.

I was being genuine. Not everyone on the internet tries as hard as you do.
Why are you so upset over someone hoping you enjoy your day?

No need to get so angry! However you deal with that sinking feeling is your business, not mine.

LOL you think I was being angry by asking why you're the one who's upset. You are really grasping at straws here kid.



I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet

I think you are officially the angriest fella on the internet today. Congrats!

Thankyou for the intercourse. You have only confirmed my observation about your stupidity.
No doubt by this back and forth in which you have failed to further the conversation, you obviously feel as though having the last word means you some how "won" the "argument". So I will just be ignoring you now as there is nothing worthwhile coming from you posts that are either new, funny, intelligent or entertaining. But you should keep at it you might get the next one.

I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet.

You should try and figure out what you're actually trying to talk about. This smattering of desperation doesn't really have anything to with the fact that Anthony wasn't punched in the face.

Thankyou for the intercourse. You have only confirmed my observation about your stupidity.
No doubt by this back and forth in which you have failed to further the conversation, you obviously feel as though having the last word means you some how "won" the "argument". So I will just be ignoring you now as there is nothing worthwhile coming from you posts that are either new, funny, intelligent or entertaining. But you should keep at it you might get the next one.

I hope you've enjoyed today's visit to the internet.