Jimmy's fawkin hilarious Opie & Anthony - Jimmy Plays GTA V

13  2015-03-12 by pissinurbutt


Jimmy should be a faggot and start his own lets play series

If these dummies had even the slightest idea what they're doing they'd have done this a long time ago, it's free money and exposure. Anthony would be the main guy and Jim would make frequent appearances to suck at video games.

Shit would be huge...dare I say even bigger than the OPIERAQIOwithJIMSHOW

Sounds like work, so that idea goes right out the window.

Considering some people on youtube make millions, it isn't a stretch for them to pull it off. Do a weekly podcast as well and maybe get that company to finally do Jimmy's cartoon and you'd have a decent amount of content

Exactly not only is it incredibly easy content to produce but it opens them up to a whole new audience, people who have never listened to radio or know the slightest thing about them could potentially become fans.

Anthony should really consider doing it, especially now that he is playing Eve Online and H1Z1. If he could get some of his guests from TACS involved there would be some hilarious banter.

The beer commercial with Anthony is fucking fantastic.



Trevor = Anthony
