All Opie needs to do to make the show listenable is...

3  2015-03-12 by Eternalforms

Bring back the 3 person dynamic. If opie has vos, bawby, colin, soder, ronnie B or any comedian not named Doug Benson sit in for most of the show with jimmy it's actually pretty decent. The biggest problem with the new show seems to be the first hour with just him and jimmy. Opie's radio guy intro of a popular song he thinks is a deep track... him asking jimmy's opinion on it every time when he already knows the only 2 bands jimmy listens to...Jimmy's awkward, indifferent reaction to it. It's just clearly not working and it starts the show off on a bad foot every time. If they just deleted that, started the show with whatever comedian they're having on that day... to bring back the original 3 person format, it would make the show listenable the days the good comedians are on.


This amounts to bringing a guy in to speak instead of Opie which at that point means, "Why have Opie around?"

"What is it you would say you do here, Gregg?"

He's definitely the weak link... but to play devils advocate, there was 3 people in studio for the last 13 years or so and changing that dynamic is pretty significant. They've tried something that consistently hasn't worked...changing that up couldn't possibly hurt at this point. That first month or so they did this and it was listenable at least a couple shows a week. I haven't listened to a single show in a month or two and i doubt i'm alone.

there was 3 people in studio for the last 13 years or so and changing that dynamic is pretty significant

At this point, it's unsaveable as long as he is on it. His job was always "radio guy" and there's probably 9,001 of those in NYC right now looking for work that WON'T make it about themselves and stumble over their own words getting their own 0.02 in or tagging the content of a person who is actually funny.


The show will never work again in its current (same as the last) format. The old fans are too embittered towards Opie and it can't pull new listeners as O&J are fossils with zero chemistry. Best thing to do is wind it up and hope Anthony forgives them!

That is risky for Opie now. If he brings in a 3rd mic full time he is basically admitting that he can't carry a show by himself, he and Jimmy don't have the chemistry that he tries to say that they have and management isn't content with the way the show sounds with just the two of them. The show might get better with a good 3rd mic but Opie's stock would fall in the eyes of the company. Why pay Opie millions of dollars to do a job that they can get somebody to do for much cheaper? The whole reason Opie is a commodity in radio is because he still has his dumb name that people recognize and he has the illusion of being good at radio because he was part of a good radio show. If he admits that the emperor's dick is actually flapping in the breeze it'll be very easy for SiriusXM to tell dummy to hit the bricks. Right now he needs to just continue to pretend he is doing good radio and hope that management is continuing to not listen because they are too busy with the shows that are still important to their company.

The sad reality is that the only thing management cares about is ratings and staying out of SJW blogs and angry offended tweets...which is also numbahzzz in a different way. Despite the drastic drop in quality, its quite possible their ratings went up by some strange miracle. If the DUMMIES tuning in with their sirius trial in their new car actually heard some good content...instead of morning zoo radio ...which non O and A fans do enjoy..they might actually follow the show beyond their trial run. Basically, its hard to not go up from here. I dont see it actually happening but it would be so easy to make the show listenable a couple shows a week.

If Opie brought in a funny third mic and sat back, stop lying, and try to put a little more effort into producing O and J would be a decent show. Not going to recapture what was O and A but it could at least be listenable.

Ant is gone, he isnt coming back, opie needs to trash everything and rebuild again, its a new era.

Opie is the Fez of his own radio show -- only I wish he'd shut up like Fez.

After the demise of O&A, I've continued listening to the O&J show because I love Jim and didn't realize (at the time) how much of a wanna-be-Trendster, God-awful, got-nothing hack Opie really is since Ant truly brought out the best in him. But, the current show is just too sad and cringe-inducing now to warrant continued listening. The show is, at best, uninteresting; at worst, unlistenable.

Jim is still great, but his talent and creativity are being severely challenged and undermined by his floundering partner. My only hope is that he eventually jumps ship, because this dead albatross of a show that's around his neck is just weighting him down and will drown him.

I assumed you would be suggesting something involving a shotgun.

Opie needs to retire and just give the show to Jimmy.

I'm so sick of the Ron Bennington love affair. He isn't funny!!

Give it time. You've got to give Ron and Fez at least a week to grow on you, especially if you're coming from O&J. Much different show.