How does a 50 year old man that has a chef and a brother with a well known restaurant not know you don't douse a steak with barbeque sauce?? Opie & Anthony: Opie's Weekend with Erock and Roland (09/10/13)

0  2015-03-12 by pissinurbutt


"Loves the Internet Guy" started off as "Loves Infused Foods Guy?"

The only enjoyable aspect of this is that it boiled Roland's blood and increased his likelihood of an early death.

What a fucking retard. Barbecue sauce on an expensive steak. His down syndrome leaves me speechless.

Only a fucking mongoloid would put BBQ sauce on a cooking steak. His stupidity is boundless.

The worst part is that it was fillet mignon. Obviously, that's a waste of good steak, but what kills me is that he probably bought fillet "because it's the best".

My brother owns a really good prime rib/steakhouse and there's like one bottle of barbeque sauce he has for the inbreds that want it with their well done rib eye. He wants to shove it up their ass.


We all have stupid moments and this was stupid. The truly bad part is how he tries to defend it than gets all pissy eyed when people start to rib him.

Right? He truly has NO idea?? That it's about as white trash as you can get? What kind of information is actually stored in his head? No wait....never mind.

He is stupid. Somebody here also pointed out how this shows his imperial, "my way's the only way" attitude. Don't dump barbecue sauce on EVERY steak, just because that is how you like it, fuckboy. What if your guests don't like sauces on steaks and just prefer to taste seasoned meat?

It was, out of all the stupid, annoying, embarrassing things he has said, one of my most horrible Opie moments. I had to tell myself it was one of his "bits" so I wouldn't smash my computer against the wall. It does make me smile to think what Rolands face must have looked like!