24 flow ounces

29  2015-03-11 by [deleted]

And he said it with such confidence. Opie is a fucking moron.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that, plus Jimmy's shock that 24oz cans of beer exist.

That's because 24 oz is probably the total amount of beer he's drank in his entire life.

If all the adults who were really friendly to me throughout childhood had constant beer breaths, I'd have an aversion too.

Hey that kind of reminds me of my childhood. Lol weird I haven't thought about that in a looong time. Yeah i remember my uncle he would come in to my room in the middle of the night and he always smelled like beer and pall malls. I was surprised he would stay up that late because he was 57 years old and most adults that age go to bed early right? Anyway I don't remember what he was doing in there but now when i smell beer and ciggy breath i get violently ill.

I bet that you don't remember what happened after he came into to the room for solidly reinforced psychological reasons.


HAHAHA. This almost made me spit coffee at work.

Don't tell him ice beer is 5.9 abv, he might stage an intervention.

Well he was a raging alcoholic back in the day so of course he wouldn't know about that...

I'm not saying Jimmy's alcoholism isn't boloney, but it was a new-ish 25oz can, which even though it's just one more ounce, they do look weirdly huge.

If you won't say it, I will. Jim's alcoholism is boloney (sic)

The "One Extra Ounce" gimmick makes the cans look gigantic.

Just what I've heard, anyhow.

I caught that too. easy to give him a pass, until you realize that he's actually so dumb that he thinks "12 Fl oz" means 12 flow ounces. Wow. What a dumb piece of shit he is.

I'm surprised he didn't say "floz"...as in "aHPrEEl fLoz!!!".

This is the guy who claimed, "I was brilliant in science and math...I could have made a career out of it, but it was just boring to me"

Fluid ounces is used in both those subjects, you academic wizard. Fucking fool.

His kids are gonna grow up to hate their psychotic and obsessive father, who micromanaged everything despite having no real knowledge of anything, from a place of ignorance.

And the cat's in the cradle and the WE HEARD YOU.

I'm pretty sure they're not going to wait till they grow up to start the hate. If not from their own experience then from the seething disgust and revulsion they pick up off of mama margera

That's hilarious because the only question I recall him asking Kaku was (while sitting Indian style and holding his feet) "Dr., what happens when we die?"

Not a word when Anthony brought up anything to do with science or even Jimmy talking about his rote memorization of the speed of light.

I thought it meant that too. When I was 6.

You want some ketchup with that?

Remember: this guy actually put on a cap and gown, walked across a stage, and received a diploma at an accredited 4-year institution of higher learning.

Did he though? I mean, he says he did, but did he really? Has anyone ever asked him to produce said document?

It was a Communications degree. After hearing Opie and meeting other people with them I'm convinced its just some toilet paper with Greek and dog-Latin gibberish phrases written on it.

Communications, Political Science or Psychology = you just wasted 4 years of your life on an absolutely useless degree

He also said "Dranked" instead of "drank" the other day as in "all she dranked was some water"

I don't believe this happened. I know he's dull, but that's mongoloid level dull.

It happened. He really is incredibly stupid.

These are things 12 year olds should know

It happened today when he was going through Lady Di's purse.

Opie says everything confidently because he knows nobody will ever bust him out for being just as dumb if not even more dumb than people who would be crucified for saying that like Rich Vos or Bob Kelly. He's got that entire studio shit-scared and piss trickling down their legs at the thought of making a joke at his expense.

I think he says it confidently because he believes he is 100% accurate and no matter how much proof you show him he will still believe he is right. If he occasionally "admits" he is wrong, in his head....he is STILL RIGHT. I think a lot of the people in studio, Sam, Roland etc, pity him more than anything.

He's as bad as Vos

Vos is also funnier

Vos is smarter.

Vos doesn't have tits.

except Vos can read better

ME: I was a genius in math

As long as he takes that goddamn gum out of his slobbering hole.

What a fucking dullard.

The SECOND i heard it earlier I went to google. Apparently there's such a thing as flow ounces. Never heard of it myself. Anyone want to explain the difference between flow and fluid? Google wasn't very clear.

I dunno what your google is doing but if I type in "flow ounce" and hit enter it gives me results for fluid ounces. Maybe there are enough dummies who think "fluid ounces" is "flow ounces" so google automatically corrects it for ya.

Maybe there are enough dummies who think "fluid ounces" is "flow ounces"

It's scary to think about, but maybe there are a lot of opie's out there.

I just did a google search....couldn't find anything saying "flow ounces".

This is what came up for me


BeLIEVE me I was salivating to be the first to call out the titster. I wanted to think his dumb ass just assumed that's what fl stood for when he read it on labels.

Yea but if you click those links they're just dummies like Opie asking questions.


Other dummies on the internet have made the same mistake is all that is evidence of.

Shhh....I think maybe packitchofsositch is Opie......but don't say anything

he also "stands ON line", "itches an itch", and could be the host of the Tonight Show

Stands ON line is an east coast thing. Ant says that too. The itches and scratches thing is a very common dumb thing people say.

It's more specifically a Tri-State expression I think.

Im from the east coast and ive never said "standing on line." You stand in line. I think its an NY thing.

Reminds me of the time my sister saw a vanity plate that said 20 Oz (for some fucking reason) and she swore it was twenty Oz like the damn movie. Why would it be that? Come on.

"Man, I was a rockstar at math and science. I should have been a doctor or an accountant".

Almost as bad as him pronouncing Yvette "YA-Vett" the other day.


Haha. I'm not an Opie hater, but that was a hilarious fuck up. It's part of his charm.


Ok, Opie.