What the fuck is with this

12  2015-03-11 by arobben


what's the back story here?

I kinda hope he murders Opie someday

and properly ass rapes the corpse.

kinda? dive in with both feet Nansy boy.

"Nancy", you dumb fuck

You can't spell "Nancy"? You're as bad as all these truckers that still call in to O&J

M as in Mancy

Ooooffff that bombed bad

No it didn't.

you might want to re-think that.

I did, and I concluded I was correct the first time :)


I'm surprised all the twisted fucks here couldn't appreciate this. Makes a mockery of doing a "bit" and shows how pathetically obsessed Opie is with his "numbers" that he wouldn't block the person who is probably going to murder him.

The guy seems like a problem. All he tweets is Hi Opie! and it's beyond creepy...

Someone who actually enjoys OpieRaqio.

It's Obie Raqio, hater.

Oqie Raqio

When paid subs go wrong

Mental illness?

Why is there an option to translate from Polish?

It's likely an automatic bot with an IP address from Poland, not an actual person.

OP presumably took the screen shot. Wouldn't that translate option for him?

Not sure what you mean.

So you're saying that a bot took that screenshot and posted it to reddit?

Oh, no. Not at all. I'm saying that the annoying greeting thing is an automatic bot that responds whenever Opie posts something on Twitter. Said bot has likely a Polish IP address, thus why you have the translation option.

Cant read it. whats the polish translation?

Love him or hate him, the 'Hi Opie' guy is national sensation!

"Hallo Opie... I com se you yes? we bam bam lynsi yes? YOU MARRY ME YES?!"

Opie is only appealing to the mentally ill at this point. You just have to think about what a bizarre fragmented personality Opie has become that he only attracts Bobos as fans.

He looks like a spic Bobo.

It's Obie Raqio, hater.
