Yuk... Cant tell which ones worse

0  2015-03-11 by ManOnFireJ


They are both equally cunt. I've taken down votes for it before I'm perfectly fine taking them again. Fuck Bill Burr and fuck Joe DeRosa.

This huts because I really do enjoy the Monday morning podcast. Oh JEEZZUS!


definetly both annoying fake cunts in my book

They both had irrelevant parts that added nothing to character or plot development and could have been played by literally anyone due to the lack of acting ability required to perform either part?

Wow. I wish Bill would be Brooks Hatlen of Real Life.

Because one is a 2 faced back stabbing cunt and the other is a 2 faced back stabbing cunt sucking the other ones balls... need anymore info just ask as theres plenty of us that can help you out


He must mean neither of them can act.

I don't get why this is bad? Burr is saying that he was the comic who was given a small sympathy part on Breaking Bad (he said that he is a terrible actor but the guys who write, direct and edit the show are so good that he couldn't fuck it up) much like DeRosa is the comic who was given a small sympathy part on Better Call Saul (Same people are writing, directing and editing the show so DeRosa couldn't fuck it up). He is basically saying they are the weak actors surrounded by amazing talent on their respective shows.

Because they're mad that not everyone hates Joe. That's it.



Because they're mad that not everyone hates Joe. That's it.